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UNI-T UT330C USB Datalogger

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UNI-T UT330C USB Datalogger

UNI-T UT330C USB Datalogger

Datalogger seri UT330-USB menggunakan sensor suhu, kelembapan, dan tekanan atmosfer presisi tinggi untuk pemantauan dan perekaman jangka panjang. Seri UT330-USB memenuhi ketahanan air dan debu IP67, dapat menyimpan 60.000 set data dan mengirimkannya melalui USB ke PC.

  • Perangkat lunak komputer
  • Pengambilan tren ke file BMP/CSV/TXT


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung UNI-T Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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UNI-T UT330C USB Datalogger

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of UNI-T products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

UT330-USB series dataloggers use high-precision temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure sensors for long period monitor and record. UT330-USB series satisfies IP67 water and dust proof, can store 60000 sets of data and transmit them through USB to PC. They are great solutions for monitoring temperature and humidity sensitive goods such as medicine or food during transportation and storage, greenhouse, wine cellar and more.

Features UNI-T UT330C USB Datalogger :

  • 60000 sets data storage
  • PC software
  • Trend capture to BMP/CSV/TXT files
  • High/low temperature alarm, customizable user settings

Specifications UNI-T UT330C USB Datalogger :

Specifications Range UT330C
Temperature Range -40°C~80C (-40°F~176°F)
Accuracy 0°C~40°C ±0.5℃
-30°C~0°C, 40℃~70℃ ±1℃
-40°C~-30°C, 70℃~80℃ ±2℃
Resolution 0.1℃/0.1℉
Relative humidity Range 0%RH~100%RH
Accuracy 20%RH~80%RH ±3%RH
<20%RH or >80%RH ±5%RH
Resolution 0.1%RH
Atmospheric pressure Range 750hPa~1100hPa
Accuracy ±3hPa
Resolution 0.1hPa
℃/℉ selection
Temperature offset settings
Humidity offset settings
Pressure offset settings
Data storage 60000
Data recall
USB interface
Auto record time setup
User name settings
Alarm threshold
Start mode setup
General Characterisitics
Power 3.6V 1/2 battery (R6) x 1
Product color Grey
Product net weight 52g (with battery, no bracket)
Product size 122mm x 30mm x 24mm
Standard accessories Battery, PC software CD, bracket, screws
Standard individual packing Gift box, English manual
Standard quantity per carton 20pcs
Standard carton measurement 287mm x 207mm x 250mm
Standard carton gross weight 2.3kg
Optional accessory Magnet bracket



UNI-T UT330C Datasheet

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