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UNI-T UT262A Non-Contact Phase Detector

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UNI-T UT262A Non-Contact Phase Detector

UNI-T UT262A Non-Contact Phase Detector

Seri UT262 adalah detektor fase non-kontak tipe penjepit. Pengguna tidak perlu bersentuhan dengan tegangan tinggi, sehingga mengurangi risiko sengatan listrik bagi teknisi listrik dan profesional lainnya. Selain deteksi urutan fasa, seri UT262 juga dapat digunakan untuk deteksi kabel aktif, inspeksi kelistrikan sederhana, identifikasi fasa, penilaian fasa yang hilang, dan pencarian pemutus kabel. Ini adalah alat yang sempurna untuk deteksi urutan fase, instalasi motor, dan pemeliharaan kabel.


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UNI-T UT262A Non-Contact Phase Detector

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UT262 series are clamp type non-contact phase detectors. Users do not need to be in contact with high-voltage, reducing risk of electrical shock to electricans and other professional personnels. Beside phase sequence detection, UT262 series can also be used for live wire detection, simple electrical inspection, phase identification, missing-phase judgment, and wire breaker searching. It is a perfect tool for phase sequence detection, motor mounting, and wires maintenance.

Features UNI-T UT262A Non-Contact Phase Detector :

  • Clamp opening 1.6~16mm
  • Power on indication
  • Auto power off (Automatically switch off after three minutes)
  • LED, buzzer indication

Specifications UNI-T UT262A Non-Contact Phase Detector :



UNI-T UT262A Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung UNI-T Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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