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UNI-T UT261B Phase Sequence and Motor Rotation Indicator

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UNI-T UT261B Phase Sequence and Motor Rotation Indicator

UNI-T UT261B Phase Sequence and Motor Rotation Indicator

Seri UT261 digunakan untuk menentukan urutan fasa daya 3 fasa, indikasi fasa hilang, dan putaran fasa motor (UT261B). UT261A dan UT261B masing-masing dapat mengukur tegangan AC 40~700V dan 90~600V. Perangkat ini dapat beroperasi pada rentang frekuensi 15~400Hz. UT261 adalah perangkat tahan lama yang mampu menahan benturan dari ketinggian 2 meter. Kabel uji dengan selang pelindung disertakan dalam aksesori opsional.


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UNI-T UT261B Phase Sequence and Motor Rotation Indicator

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UT261 series is used for determining 3-phase power phase sequence, missing phase indication, and motor phase rotation (UT261B). UT261A and UT261B can measure AC voltage of 40~700V and 90~600V respectively. These devices can operate in frequency range of 15~400Hz. UT261 are durable devices which can withstand impact from 2 meter’ s height. Test leads with protective tubing are included in optional accessories.

Specifications UNI-T UT261B Phase Sequence and Motor Rotation Indicator :



UNI-T UT261B Datasheet

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