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UNI-T UT230B-EU Power Socket

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UNI-T UT230B-EU Power Socket

UNI-T UT230B-EU Power Socket

Soket listrik seri UT230B dapat dimasukkan untuk memadukan status pengoperasian (voltase, arus, waktu dan konsumsi daya) peralatan listrik. Soket soket dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan berbagai daerah dengan sertifikasi yang tepat. Seri UT230B adalah alat yang ideal untuk menjaga konsumsi daya peralatan dan menghemat penghematan energi di rumah, kantor, sekolah, dan tempat lainnya.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung UNI-T Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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UNI-T UT230B-EU Power Socket

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UT230B series power sockets can be inserted to monitor operation status (voltage, current, time, and power consumption) of electrical appliances. The socket jacks are designed to meet the needs of different regions with proper certifications. UT230B series are ideal tools for maintaining equipment power consumption and managing energy saving in homes, offices, schools, and other places.

Specifications UNI-T UT230B-EU Power Socket :

Specifications Range UT230B-EU
Voltage 100V~260V ±1%
Current 0A~16A ±1%
Power 1~3680W ±1%
Power factor 0~1 ±2%
Energy consumption 0~9999kWh ±1%
Unit price of electricity 0~99.99 ($/kWh)
Accumulative time 0 minute~9999 days
Accumulative charge
CO2 display 0~9999kg
Power consumption <0.4W
Overload indication >16A
General Characterisitics
Power 3V button battery
Display 48mm x 30.5mm
Product color White
Product net weight 155g
Product size 130mm x 65mm x 37mm
Standard accessories Battery



UNI-T UT230B-EU Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung UNI-T Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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