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Trimble C5 Total Station

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Trimble C5 Total Station

Trimble C5 Total Station

Total station mekanik Trimble® C5 baru melengkapi portofolio terbaik industri dengan fitur peningkat produktivitas dan hemat waktu yang membuat pekerjaan lapangan lebih mudah dan lebih cepat

  • Akurasi : 1″, 2″, 3″ atau 5″
  • Jarak tempuh : 5.000 m hingga prisma / DR 800 m
  • Akurasi Prisma : 2,0 mm + 2 ppm Prisma / 3,0 mm + 2 ppm DR


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Trimble Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

Whatsapp :  0851 6306 9421
Email : syariftamamultiglobal@gmail.com


Trimble C5 Total Station

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Trimble products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

Trimble C5 Total Station Survey and Stakeout | Survey Nepal - YouTube

The new Trimble® C5 mechanical total station completes the industry’s top portfolio with productivity-boosting, time-saving features that make fieldwork easier and faster

Specifications Trimble C5 Total Station :

  • Accuracy : 1″, 2″, 3″ or 5″
  • Range : 5,000 m to prism / DR 800 m
  • Prism Accuracy : 2.0 mm + 2 ppm Prism / 3.0 mm + 2 ppm DR

Features Trimble C5 Total Station :

Tough, Durable and Easy to Use

The Trimble C5 is tough and reliable with a user-friendly design. It limits user fatigue even as it stands up to the toughest worksite conditions. On a wide range of projects, in diverse settings across the globe, the C5 is hard at work, quickly capturing accurate measurements and virtually eliminating downtime.

The C5 offers the easy setup Trimble users have come to expect. The autofocus powered by Nikon enables the C5 to quickly and precisely focus on the anticipated distance, so users can simply sight, shoot and go. That means any day spent in the field can be highly productive. Superior Nikon optics give you crisp, bright sightings even in low light conditions. The results are always precise and true—which ensures greater productivity back in the office, too. There’s no need to return to the field, because you get it right the first time.

The Features You Need for the Job You Do

  • Autofocus enabling precise and fast focus
  • Powerful long range EDM
  • Dual color touchscreen displays
  • L2P security location technology
  • Compact, lightweight and rugged system design
  • Onboard Software: Trimble Access
  • Winterized 2″ and 5″ models available
Extend Your Survey Season
For users working in cold temperatures, the Trimble C5 2″ and 5″ total stations are available in a specifically designed winterized version.



Trimble C5



flashdisck + software

Prisma Single

Prisma Polygon

Pole / Stick Prisma

Alumunium Tripod

Sertifikat Kalibrasi

Garansi 1tahun











Video :

Perawatan :

Selain dikalibrasi rutin ada baiknya untuk perawatan hariannya, setelah theodolite digunakan dilap dari kotoran atau debu yang menemepel menggunakan kain bersih atau majun dengan sedikit minyak kayu putih.

Manfaat Kalibrasi :

  • Menjaga kondisi instrumen ukur dan bahan ukur agar tetap sesuai dengan spesefikasinya
  • Untuk mendukung sistem mutu yang diterapkan di berbagai industri pada peralatan laboratorium dan produksi yang dimiliki.
  • Bisa mengetahui perbedaan (penyimpangan) antara harga benar dengan harga yang ditunjukkan oleh alat ukur.
  • Kalibrasi Sebaiknya Dilakukan Secara Rutin & Berkala, Baiknya Alat Itu Dikalibrasi Per 6 Bulan Sekali Atau Waktu Pemakaian Alat Sudah Mencapai 1.000 jam.



Trimble C5 Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Trimble Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

Dalam pengiriman produk yang pelanggan beli, sebelumnya sudah kami cek untuk memastikan produk dalam keadaan baik dan siap kirim.