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Topcon GM-101 Reflectorless Total Station

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Topcon GM-101 Reflectorless Total Station

Topcon GM-101 Reflectorless Total Station

  • Advanced security and maintenance with TSshield™
  • Bluetooth communications
  • Fast and powerful EDM
  • 1,000 m non-prism range
  • 6,000 m prism range
  • Dual axis compensation


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Topcon Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Topcon GM-101 Reflectorless Total Station

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Topcon GM-100 total stations – advanced design with superior technology

The GM-100 series was designed from the ground up to deliver the very latest technological advantages, all in a small,
sleek design – you’ll appreciate the advantages from the very first measurement.

Featuring a best-in-class EDM unit, the GM-100 is able to measure up to 6,000 m 1.5 mm + 2 ppm to standard prisms,
and up to 1,000 m at an incredible 2 mm + 2 ppm accuracy in reflectorless mode.

Measurements are captured faster than ever, and with a beam width of 13 mm (over 30 m), the bright red laser dot
pinpoints features with ease.

A world’s first – TSshield

Topcon is proud to offer another world’s first technology in all GM-100 total stations – TSshield. Every instrument
is equipped with a telematics-based multi-function communications module providing the ultimate security and
maintenance capabilities for your investment.

If the activated instrument is lost or stolen, send a coded signal to the instrument and disable it – the total station is
secure anywhere in the world.

In the same module, you have daily connectivity to cloud-based Topcon servers that can inform you of available software updates and firmware enhancements.

Features Topcon GM-101 Reflectorless Total Station :

  • Advanced security and maintenance with TSshield™
  • Bluetooth communications
  • Fast and powerful EDM
  • 1,000 m non-prism range
  • 6,000 m prism range
  • Dual axis compensation
  • EDM accuracy (to prism) 1.5mm + 2ppm; reflectorless 2mm + 2ppm
  • Interested? Please don’t hesitate to call us @0265 3171044
  • Long battery life – 28 hours (Eco mode)
  • Up to 32GB storage
  • Laser plummet
  • Compatible with industry standard thumb drives
  • Waterproof/dustproof IP66 design handles the toughest environments
  • OR wa us @0851-6306-9421
  • Magnesium-alloy housing providing stable angle accuracy
  • Single graphic display and alphanumeric keyboard (standard); dual keyboards optional.

Specifications Topcon GM-101 Reflectorless Total Station :


Magnification / Resolving power : 30x / 2.5″

Others :

Length : 171mm (6.7in.), Objective aperture : 45mm (1.8in.) (48mm (1.9in.) for
EDM), Image: Erect, Field of view: 1°30′ (26m/1,000m), Minimum focus: 1.3m (4.3ft.)
Reticle illumination: 5 brightness levels

Angle measurement

Minimum Display :
0.5″/1″ (0.0001 / 0.0002gon, 0.002 / 0.005mil)

Accuracy (ISO 17123-3:2001) : 1″

Dual-axis compensator : Dual-axis liquid tilt sensor, working range: ±6′
Collimation compensation : On/Off (selectable)

Distance measurement

Laser output* : Reflectorless mode : Class 3R / Prism/sheet mode : Class 1

Measuring range (under average condi tions*2) :

Reflectorless*3 0.3 to 800m (2,620ft.) / Under good conditions*4 : 1,000m (3,280ft.)
Reflective sheet*5*6 RS90N-K: 1.3 to 500m (4.3 to 1,640ft.), RS50N-K: 1.3 to 300m (4.3 to 980ft.) RS10N-K: 1.3 to 100m (4.3 to 320ft.)
Mini prism 1.3 to 500m (4.3 to 1,640ft.)
One prism 1.3 to 5,000m (4.3 to 16,400ft) / Under good conditions*4 : 6,000m (19,680ft.)

Minimum Display :

Fine : 0.0001m (0.001ft. / 1/16in.) / 0.001m (0.005ft. / 1/8in.) (selectable)
Coarse : 0.001m (0.005ft. / 1/8in.) / 0.01m (0.02ft. / 1/2in.) (selectable)
Tracking / Road : 0.01m (0.02ft. / 1/2in.)

Accuracy*2 (ISO 17123-4:2001) (D=measuring distance in mm) :

Reflectorless*3 (2 + 2ppm x D) mm*8
Reflective sheet*5*6 (2 + 2ppm x D) mm
Prism*7 (1.5 + 2ppm x D) mm

Measuring time*4*9 :

Fine 0.9s (initial 1.5s)
Coarse 0.6s (initial 1.3s)
Tracking 0.4s (initial 1.3s)



Topcon GM



flashdisck + software

Prisma Single

Prisma Polygon

Pole / Stick Prisma

Alumunium Tripod

Sertifikat Kalibrasi

Garansi 1tahun













Selain dikalibrasi rutin ada baiknya untuk perawatan hariannya, setelah theodolite digunakan dilap dari kotoran atau debu yang menemepel menggunakan kain bersih atau majun dengan sedikit minyak kayu putih.


  • Menjaga kondisi instrumen ukur dan bahan ukur agar tetap sesuai dengan spesefikasinya
  • Untuk mendukung sistem mutu yang diterapkan di berbagai industri pada peralatan laboratorium dan produksi yang dimiliki.
  • Bisa mengetahui perbedaan (penyimpangan) antara harga benar dengan harga yang ditunjukkan oleh alat ukur.
  • Kalibrasi Sebaiknya Dilakukan Secara Rutin & Berkala, Baiknya Alat Itu Dikalibrasi Per 6 Bulan Sekali Atau Waktu Pemakaian Alat Sudah Mencapai 1.000 jam.



Topcon GM-101 Datasheet

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Dalam pengiriman produk yang pelanggan beli, sebelumnya sudah kami cek untuk memastikan produk dalam keadaan baik dan siap kirim.