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Thuraya Satsleeve Hotspot

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Thuraya Satsleeve Hotspot (1)

Thuraya Satsleeve Hotspot

SatSleeve Hotspot mendukung kebutuhan komunikasi semua pengguna ponsel cerdas – mulai dari yang sering bepergian dan penjelajah yang suka berpetualang hingga pengguna korporat dan LSM.

Dibuat untuk pelanggan yang lebih memilih untuk menggunakan ponsel cerdas mereka secara terpisah dari unit satelit. Dengan SatSleeve Hotspot, Anda memiliki jangkauan dan ruang untuk bergerak saat Anda melakukan panggilan, menggunakan email, mengirim pesan, atau menikmati aplikasi media sosial favorit Anda dalam kenyamanan berada di lokasi dalam ruangan sementara hotspot berada di luar dan menghadap satelit .


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Thuraya Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Thuraya Satsleeve Hotspot

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Thuraya products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

Features Thuraya Satsleeve Hotspot :

The SatSleeve Hotspot supports the communication needs of all smartphone users – from frequent travelers and adventurous explorers to corporate and NGO users.

Created for customers preferring to use their smartphone separated from the satellite unit. With the SatSleeve Hotspot, you have the range and the room to move while you make calls, use email, send messages, or enjoy your favorite social media apps in the comfort of being in an indoor location while the hotspot is outside and facing the satellite.

The SatSleeve Hotspot comes with a stand inside the package and is compatible with various iOS and Android models.

If you are also interested in the Thuraya SatSleeve+, please click here.


Use your smartphone in satellite mode when there is no terrestrial network available to call and send text messages using your existing list of contacts.


Send and receive emails from wherever you are.


Access your apps while you’re on the move – Social Media, Instant Messaging, information apps and many more.


Simply connect your smartphone via Wi-Fi to the satellite unit and stay connected. The sound is now routed through the smartphone, allowing users to make their calls directly from the smartphone.


The SatSleeve+ / Hotspot App is available as a free download from the App Store or from Google Play. Our app is available in 12 languages. This App is applicable for SatSleeve Hotspot and SatSleeve+ only and not for previous SatSleeve models.


SatSleeve Hotspot comes equipped with an SOS call button that works even if the smartphone isn’t connected. The SOS button will make an outgoing call to a predefined number set by the user or receive an incoming call.


Thuraya’s reliable and uninterrupted satellite network enables you to stay connected via satellite mode anywhere under its coverage area across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Thuraya SatSleeve Hotspot works either with a Thuraya SIM card or with a GSM SIM card from any of the 360+ Thuraya roaming partners worldwide.


SatSleeve Hotspot comes with a stand in the package, making your life even more convenient while you’re on-the-move.


To increase the speed when loading websites, the SatSleeve Hotspot can be used with 3 different access points (APNs). Select either high compression (no images will be downloaded for fastest website loading), low compression (images will be compressed), or no compression (full website content will be loaded). Depending on your requirements, select the most suitable APN in the GmPRS settings on your Thuraya SatSleeve Hotspot.

Video :



Thuraya Satsleeve Hotspot Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Thuraya Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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