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Thuraya Marinestar

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Thuraya Marinestar

Thuraya MarineStar yang baru menggabungkan desain yang kokoh dengan fungsionalitas yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya dan tingkat nilai yang tak tertandingi untuk menyediakan komunikasi suara yang lancar dengan pelacakan dan pemantauan di seluruh rute laut tersibuk di dunia dan pusat penangkapan ikan. Thuraya MarineStar menawarkan suara berbasis sirkuit selain SMS, data GmPRS, dan pelacakan layanan pada antarmuka yang mudah dan intuitif. Ini memungkinkan panggilan satelit ke telepon rumah, telepon seluler, dan telepon satelit lainnya melalui jaringan satelit Thuraya. MarineStar juga dapat terhubung ke telepon analog standar sebagai ekstensi atau PBX on-board.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Thuraya Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Thuraya Marinestar

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Thuraya products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

The new Thuraya MarineStar combines rugged design with unprecedented functionality and unmatched levels of value to provide seamless voice communications with tracking and monitoring across the world’s busiest marine routes and fishing hotspots. Thuraya MarineStar offers circuit-based voice in addition to SMS, GmPRS data, and service tracking on an easy and intuitive interface. It enables satellite calls to landlines, mobile phones and other satellite phones via the Thuraya satellite network. MarineStar can also connect to standard analog telephones as an extension or on-board PBX.

Thuraya MarineStar serves the operational needs of small and regional operators’ fishing vessels. Built to IEC 60945 standards and unaffected by extreme environments, it synergizes productivity and efficiency on larger vessels by supporting the digitization of critical applications such as condition-based navigation, SOS and other emergency alerts via push notifications.

Features Thuraya MarineStar

  • Quick and easy to install
  • Circuit switch sound
  • Ability to report fish catches
  • Advanced 2-way vessel tracking and monitoring based on time, distance, speed and area
  • OTA (over-the-air) programming capabilities.
  • Versatile interface functions
  • SOS alert
  • Geofencing capabilities
  • Push notifications for weather, news and other alerts
  • Radio silence
  • Tracking application as a service
  • Languages: English, Chinese, Vietnamese, French, Arabic, Bahasa, Tagalog, Turkish.

Specifications Thuraya MarineStar

Service Circuit switched voice
GmPRS (externally via serial interface)
Hardware IP Rating: ADU: IP67
Operating temperature: ADU: -250C to +550C
BDU: -150C to +550C
Physical interfaces: GPIO -2in -2out
NMEA support
RJ-11 analog phone extension and PBX
Inbuilt PBX between BDU and extension phone to support
Office-on-the-bridge requirements
3.5mm audio output
Languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese, French, Turkish, Bahasa, Tagalog

Included in the Box :

  • Main Unit Thuraya MarineStar
  • Antennas
  • Cables GPS and Satellite , 25m
  • Mounting Kit (antenna bracket)
  • DC Powercable
  • Thuraya Sim Card
  • 1 Year Service and Spare Parts unit warranty



Thuraya Marinestar Datasheet

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