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Sokkia DE25 Diagonal Eyepiece

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Sokkia DE25 Diagonal Eyepiece

Sokkia DE25 Diagonal Eyepiece

  • Lensa mata diagonal untuk digunakan di area di mana bangunan besar atau penghalang menghalangi jarak kerja ideal antara teodolit dan objek target.
  • Dengan lensa mata, target apa pun dapat diukur selama terdapat jarak minimal 1,3 m (4-1/4 kaki) antara instrumen dan target.
  • Sudut dan titik kini dapat diukur dengan teleskop ke segala arah.
  • Lensa mata memberikan gambar tegak, dan sudut pandang 1°30′
  • Dukungan Untuk Theodolit: Sokkia DT40 (DT240/DT540/DT740/DT940/DT540L/DT740L/DT940L)


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Sokkia DE25 Diagonal Eyepiece for Sokkia Topcon Theodolite

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Sokkia products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

Features Sokkia DE25 Diagonal Eyepiece :

  • Diagonal eyepiece for use in areas where large buildings or obstacles prevent an ideal working distance between the theodolite and the target object.
  • With an eyepiece, any target can be measured as long as there is a distance of at least 1.3m (4-1/4ft) between the instrument and the target.
  • Angles and points can now be measured by a telescope in any direction.
  • Eyepiece provides an upright image, and 1°30′ angle of view
  • Support For Theodolite: Sokkia DT40 (DT240/DT540/DT740/DT940/DT540L/DT740L/DT940L)



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