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Scilogex Pipettors MicroPette Plus Autoclavable Multi-Channel

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Scilogex Pipettors MicroPette Plus Autoclavable Multi-Channel

Dapat diautoklaf sepenuhnya – Pipet MicroPette Plus sepenuhnya dapat diautoklaf, memudahkan pembersihan dan mengurangi risiko kontaminasi. Autoklaf uap dapat dilakukan pada suhu 121°C, 1 bar selama 20 menit. Setelah autoklaf, pipet harus didinginkan dan dibiarkan kering selama 12 jam sebelum digunakan.

  • Desain ringan dan ergonomis
  • Sepenuhnya autoklaf
  • Tampilan digital yang jelas
  • Ejector tip terhuyung-huyung untuk pengeluaran tip yang mudah


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Scilogex Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Scilogex Pipettors MicroPette Plus Autoclavable Multi-Channel

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Scilogex products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

Fully autoclavable – The MicroPette Plus pipettes are fully autoclavable, enable easy cleaning and reduce the risk of contamination. Steam autoclaving can be performed at 121°C, 1 bar for 20 minutes. After autoclaving, the pipette must be cooled down and left to dry for 12 hours before use.

t is recommended to check the performance of the pipette after each autoclaving. Greasing and sealing of the pipette piston after every 10th autoclaving will secure an enhanced function.


All Scilogex pipettes have been quality tested according to ISO8655-2:2002 and are supplied with individual calibration certificates. The quality control includes gravimetric testing of each pipette with distilled water at 22°C.


Features Scilogex Pipettors MicroPette Plus Autoclavable Multi-Channel :

  • Lightweight and ergonomic design
  • Fully autoclavable
  • Clear digital display
  • Staggered tip ejector for easy tip ejection
  • Head rotates 360° for user comfort
  • Easy to calibrate with tool supplied
  • Used with ‘universal’ pipette tips
  • Dispensing head rotates for effortless pipetting convenience
  • Individual piston and tip cone assembly allow for easy repair and maintenance
  • Compound material-made tip cone secures high sealing performance
  • Compatible with most universal tip brands

Specifications Scilogex Pipettors MicroPette Plus Autoclavable Multi-Channel :

Cat. No. Test Volume Increment Accuracy (±%) Precision (±%) Volume Range Channel
713112049999 10ul/5ul/1ul 0.1ul 1.50/2.50/4.00 1.50/2.50/4.00 0.5-10 ul MicroPette™ Plus 8-Channel Pipettors
713112069999 50ul/25ul/5ul 0.5ul 1.00/1.50/3.00 0.50/1.00/2.00 5-50 ul MicroPette™ Plus 8-Channel Pipettors
713112129999 300ul/150ul/50ul 5ul 0.70/1.00/1.50 0.25/0.50/0.80 50-300 ul MicroPette™ Plus 8-Channel Pipettors
713113049999 10ul/5ul/1ul 0.1ul 1.50/2.50/4.00 1.50/2.50/4.00 0.5-10 ul MicroPette™ Plus 12-Channel Pipettors
713113069999 50ul/25ul/5ul 0.5ul 1.00/1.50/3.00 0.50/1.00/2.00 5-50 ul MicroPette™ Plus 12-Channel Pipettors
713113129999 300ul/150ul/50ul 5ul 0.70/1.00/1.50 0.25/0.50/0.80 50-300 ul MicroPette™ Plus 12-Channel Pipettors



Scilogex Pipettors MicroPette Plus Autoclavable Multi-Channel Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Scilogex Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

Dalam pengiriman produk yang pelanggan beli, sebelumnya sudah kami cek untuk memastikan produk dalam keadaan baik dan siap kirim.