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Peakpulse Golf Laser Rangefinder 6Pro Slope Version

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Peakpulse Golf Laser Rangefinder 6Pro Slope Version

Pengukur Jarak Golf Terdepan di Industri 2021 dengan Kemiringan: Teknologi kemiringan bawaan memberi Anda jarak yang disesuaikan berdasarkan kemiringan/penurunan lubang dan membantu Anda memilih klab yang tepat untuk pukulan. Teknologi Slope-Switch memungkinkan pegolf dengan mudah beralih masuk dan keluar dari fungsi kemiringan kami yang dipatenkan untuk permainan turnamen legal.

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Peakpulse Golf Laser Rangefinder 6Pro Slope Version- Catalog

Peakpulse Golf Laser Rangefinder 6Pro Slope Version

  • 2021 Industry-Leading Golf Rangefinder with Slope: Built in slope technology gives you an adjusted distance based on the hole’s incline/decline and helps you select the correct club for the shot. Slope-Switch technology lets the golfer easily toggle in and out of our patented slope function for legal tournament play.
  • Flag Acquisition with Pulse Vibration Technology: Flag Acquisition Technology makes it effortless to lock on to the flag (even for those with shaky hands). Flag Acquisition with Pulse Vibration Technology provides the golfer with a short vibrating burst to verify the laser has locked onto the flag verifying that you have the right distance. With Pulse Vibration technology all doubt will be eliminated.
  • Fast Focus System: Even with glasses on, you will not have any issues adjusting the focus to see the target clearly, simply turn the eye piece to focus on your target. To help save battery the rangefinder will automatically shut down after 8 seconds of inactivity. To turn it back on, simply press the power button again.
  • It is the perfect combination of size, speed, accuracy, and verification. Built with crystal clear optics, 6X magnification, and precise technology, the 6 Pro Slope Golf Laser Rangefinder produces quick yardage to the flag and is extremely easy to use. Accurate to 1 Yard, Ranges 6 to 500 yards, 6X Magnification.
  • What You Get: 1x 6Pro Golf Laser Rangefinder, 1x Carrying Case, 1x CR2 Battery, 1x Instruction Manual, 1x Lanyard, 1x Cleaning Cloth


Jual Peakpulse Golf Laser Rangefinder 6Pro Slope Version dengan harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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