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OPTEX TD-M500 Portable Turbidity Meter

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OPTEX TD-M500 Portable Turbidity Meter

OPTEX TD-M500 Portable Turbidity Meter

  • Measuring method: Transmitted light method (near infrared absorption photometry)
  • Material: Body/ABS resin (antibacterial), PMMA (acrylic), Detector/stainless steel (SUS316L), Rubber cover for protection/Silicone
  • Size: Body/44 x 42 x 160mm, Detector/φ30 x 116mm
  • Detector cable length: 5m
  • Power supply: 9V alkaline dry cell (6LR61) x 1 piece (included for test)


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OPTEX TD-M500 Portable Turbidity Meter

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オプテックス ポータブル濁度センサ TDーM500 1台 1-9394-01(直送品) - アスクル 楽天市場】OPTEX オプテックス ポータブル濁度センサ TD-M500【濁度計 濁度測定 河川管理 工場排水 工事現場 小型軽量】 :  土木測量試験用品のソッキーズ OPTEX ポータブル濁度計 濁度センサ 透過光方式 TD-M500 通電確認のみ 動作未確認 ジャンク扱い  オプテックス(環境測定器)|売買されたオークション情報、yahooの商品情報をアーカイブ公開 - オ mail.dyandramedia.com |  mail.dyandramedia.com Untitled

TD-M500 is a turbidity meter with a probe for measuring the clarity of water. It is easy to use, just dip the probe into the water and it can measure the turbidity immediately. The device is compact, easy to carry, comes with IP67 standards and is made of Anti-bacterial material. The probe is strong and durable, made of SUS316L stainless steel and Sapphire glass sensor.

Features OPTEX TD-M500 Portable Turbidity Meter :

  • Measuring method: Transmitted light method (near infrared absorption photometry)
  • Material: Body/ABS resin (antibacterial), PMMA (acrylic), Detector/stainless steel (SUS316L), Rubber cover for protection/Silicone
  • Size: Body/44 x 42 x 160mm, Detector/φ30 x 116mm
  • Detector cable length: 5m
  • Power supply: 9V alkaline dry cell (6LR61) x 1 piece (included for test)
  • Weight: Approx 600g
  • Protective structure: Body/watertight type (IP67), Detector/underwater type, water depth within 2m (IP68)
  • Measurement range: 0.0 – 500 formazin degrees
  • Resolution: 0.1 degrees (0.0 – 99.9 degrees), 1 degree (100 – 500 degrees)

Specification OPTEX TD-M500 Portable Turbidity Meter :

Range 0.0 to 500 FTU
Resolution 0.1 FTU (0.0 to 99.9), 1 FTU (100 to 500)
Measuring Method Attenuated Light Method
Calibration Distilled Water or Air Calibration
Correction Single or Double Point Correction
Protection class Controller: IP67, Probe: IP68
Probe Dimensions 30 x 116 mm
Cable Length 5 m
Power requirements Battery 9V
Dimensions/ Weight 160 x 44 x 42 mm/ 660 g



OPTEX TD-M500 Datasheet

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