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Nikon NE-101 Digital Theodolite

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Nikon NE-101 Digital Theodolite

Nikon NE-101 Digital Theodolite

  • Four models to choose from: NE-100/101/102/103
  • Accurate, affordable, easy to use
  • Ergonomic keypad
  • One-touch function keys
  • Large, backlit LCD display


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Nikon NE-101 Digital Theodolite

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Jual Beli & Service Digital Theodolite Nikon NE 103 - Hutama Survey

Overview :

Designed for general construction and survey applications, Nikon NE-100 Series electronic digital theodolites give you accurate measurements in an affordable, easy-to-use platform. Each of the four models has an ergonomic keypad with one-touch keys for all functions, and a large backlit LCD display helps you work productively in the field.

You can instantly convert vertical angles to percent of grade, reset the horizontal angle to zero and lock the horizontal angle displayed on the LCD while you reposition or repeat a measurement. Angle accuracies differ between the models. The NE-100 offers 10″ angle accuracy, while the NE-101 offers 7″. Both the NE-102 and 103 models offer 5″ angle accuracy with the NE-103 featuring vertical axis compensation NE-102 and NE-103 also have a rear display and keypad.

NE-100 series theodolites feature five easy-to-use, one-touch keys: four to perform all common functions and a fifth to control the backlit LCD display and reticle illumination. NE-100 Series theodolites feature a built-in reticle illuminator and backlit LCD display that allow you to work inside buildings as well as in tunnels, mines and other environments with little or no light. These features also come in handy during low light conditions outdoors, such as near dawn or dusk.

Unlike other instruments that require specialized batteries, NE-100 Series theodolites use six standard AA batteries. What’s more, those batteries can power all models for about 48 hours. A three-level bar graph on the LCD screen displays remaining battery power.

With the Nikon NE-100 Series theodolite models, you can count on reliable performance in tough conditions. The NE-100/101 models have an IP54 rating, meaning water can splash on them from any direction with no harmful effects. Nikon NE-102/103 models have a higher rating of IP56 which means they’re waterproof and dustproof.

Features Nikon NE-101 Digital Theodolite :

  • Four models to choose from: NE-100/101/102/103
  • Accurate, affordable, easy to use
  • Ergonomic keypad
  • One-touch function keys
  • Large, backlit LCD display
  • NE-100/101 models are water-resistant
  • NE-102/103 models are waterproof
  • 5″, 7″ and 10″ accuracies available

Specifications Nikon NE-101 Digital Theodolite :

Image Erect
Magnification 30x
Diameter of Objective Lens (Aperture) 1.77 in. (45 mm)
Focus Distance 2.3 ft. (0.7 m)
Field of View 1°20′
Ratio of Stadia Lines 100/0
Resolving Power N/A
Length of Tube N/A
Reticule Illumination Yes
Quick Sites (Rough Sites) N/A
Optical Plummet
Image Erect
Magnification 2.2x
Field of View
Focus Range 4.3 ft. (1.3 m) Fixed
Angle Measurement
Minimum Reading 10/20″ or 5/10″; 2/5 mgon or 1/2 mgon; 0.02/0.05 mil
Unit of Reading/Measure Degree / gon / mil
Display N/A
Accuracy 7 second or 10 second (NIKON-NE-100)
Circle Diameter N/A
Measuring Method/Reading System N/A
Detection Method N/A
Plate/Tubular Bubble Vial 40 second / 2 mm
Circular Bubble Vial 10 minutes / 2 mm
Electronic Vial N/A
Weight 9.8 lbs (4.5 kg)
Warranty 2-year
Dimensions 13.15″ H x 6.04″ W x 6.8″ D (334 mm x 153.5 mm x 172 mm)
Protection Class IP54 dustproof and water splash resistant
Tripod Thread N/A
Auto Shut Off N/A
Tribrach Detachable
Theft Protection N/A
Power Source 6 x AA batteries
Battery Life 22 hours manganese batteries/48 hours alkaline batteries
Battery Life Alert Yes
Voltage 1.5V
90-Degree Layout Yes
Checking Angles Yes
Alignment and Plumb Yes
Short-Range Leveling Yes
General Construction Yes
Anchor Bolt Positioning Yes
Steel Column Placement Yes
Setting Elevations Yes
Setting Lines Yes
Basic Grade Work Yes
Display and Keypad
Type Dot-matrix LCD with 20 characters x 2 lines
Sides Single
Keys 5-button keypad
Touchscreen N/A
Backlight Yes
Pixels N/A
Operating -4 to 122 °F (-20 to 50 °C)
Storage N/A
Tilt Sensor/Compensator
Range N/A
Type N/A
Method N/A
Setting Accuracy N/A
Laser Plummet
Accuracy N/A
Class N/A
Wavelength N/A
Laser Pointer
Accuracy N/A
Range Indoors N/A
Class N/A
Wavelength N/A
Range Outdoors N/A
Bluetooth N/A
Pin Port N/

Video :

Perawatan :

  • Selain dikalibrasi rutin ada baiknya untuk perawatan hariannya, setelah theodolite digunakan dilap dari kotoran atau debu yang menemepel menggunakan kain bersih atau majun dengan sedikit minyak kayu putih.

Manfaat Kalibrasi :

  • Menjaga kondisi instrumen ukur dan bahan ukur agar tetap sesuai dengan spesefikasinya
  • Untuk mendukung sistem mutu yang diterapkan di berbagai industri pada peralatan laboratorium dan produksi yang dimiliki.
  • Bisa mengetahui perbedaan (penyimpangan) antara harga benar dengan harga yang ditunjukkan oleh alat ukur.
  • Kalibrasi Sebaiknya Dilakukan Secara Rutin & Berkala, Baiknya Alat Itu Dikalibrasi Per 6 Bulan Sekali Atau Waktu Pemakaian Alat Sudah Mencapai 1.000 jam.



Nikon NE-101 Datasheet

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