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Megger DET14C Earth Resistance Clamp Tester

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Megger DET14C Earth Resistance Clamp Tester

Megger DET14C Earth Resistance Clamp Tester

  • Elliptical clamp shape improves access to earth cables and straps up to 50 mm
  • Low maintenance flat jaw interface
  • Measures ground resistance from 0.05 Ω to 1500 Ω
  • Measures true RMS ground leakage current from 0.5 mA rms to 35 A rms
  • CAT IV 600 V safety rating


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Megger Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Megger DET14C Earth Resistance Clamp Tester

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  • Elliptical clamp shape improves access to earth cables and straps up to 50 mm
  • Low maintenance flat jaw interface
  • Measures ground resistance from 0.05 Ω to 1500 Ω
  • Measures true RMS ground leakage current from 0.5 mA rms to 35 A rms
  • CAT IV 600 V safety rating
  • Backlit LCD display

The DET14C and DET24C represent a new generation of earth/ground clamp-on resistance testers. These instruments induce a test current into earth systems and measure ground resistance in multi ground installations without needing to disconnect the ground. They offer market leading access, advanced features, simple operation and CAT IV 600 V safety protection.

This clamp-on stake-less ground tester can also:

  • Balance elements of a ground to mitigate noise
  • Balance ground circuits
  • Measure continuity of ground circuits in headends and hubs

The elliptical shaped head design offers improved access to cables and earth straps in space constrained locations. The clamp head accommodates up to 37 mm diameter cable and 50 mm earth tapes making them suitable for use in power stations, substations, towers and many more facilities.

Technical specifications

  • Data storage and communication: Bluetooth
  • Power source: Battery
  • Test method: Earth/ground clamp-on resistance



Megger DET14C Datasheet

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