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Lutron FC-2500A Frequency Counter 2.5 GHz

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Lutron FC-2500A Frequency Counter 2.5 GHz

Lutron FC-2500A Frequency Counter 2.5 GHz

  • High sensitivity for the VHF & UHF freq. measurement, useful for the CB amateur.
  • Handheld & pocket size instrument.
  • Wide measuring range up to 2.6 GHz.
  • Good resolution, 0.1 Hz min. display unit for 10 MHz range.
  • Used the exclusive Microprocessor IC offered the intelligent function: Frequency, Period, Multi resolution,


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Lutron FC-2500A Frequency Counter 2.5 GHz

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Lutron products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

FC-2500A Portable frequency tester designed for general use. but comes with powerful performance that can support frequency measurements up to 2.6 GHz and can also be connected to accessories for use with various communication devices to check the frequency.

Features Lutron FC-2500A Frequency Counter 2.5 GHz :

  • High sensitivity for the VHF & UHF freq. measurement, useful for the CB amateur.
  • Handheld & pocket size instrument.
  • Wide measuring range up to 2.6 GHz.
  • Good resolution, 0.1 Hz min. display unit for 10 MHz range.
  • Used the exclusive Microprocessor IC offered the intelligent function: Frequency, Period, Multi resolution,
  • Data hold, Relative measurement, Data record( Max., Min., Average reading).
  • Auto power off & manual power off.
  • LCD display for low power consumption & clear read-out even in bright ambient light condition.
  • The instrument used the low PPM crystal time base to offer high accuracy measurement.
  • The optional telescoping antenna accessory can be used to pick up transmit frequencies from handheld, fixed or mobile radios such as: POLICES, FIRE FIGHTER’S, HAM, TAXI, AIRCRAFT MARINE, etc. at ranges of approaching 5 to 30 cm(depending on transmitter power, antenna obstructions, etc.).

Specifications Lutron FC-2500A Frequency Counter 2.5 GHz :

  • Display: 13mm (0.5″) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), 8 digits.
  • Measurement: Frequency, Data hold, Relative, Memory(max., min., average), Period.
  • Range:
    º 2500 MHz range:
    * 50 MHz – 75 MHz 100 mV
    * 76 MHz – 2500 MHz 50 mV
    º 100 MHz range:
    * 5 MHz- 100 MHz 50 mV
    * > 100MHz to 120MHz 100 mV
    º 10 MHz: 50 mV
    º Period: 50 mV
  • Frequency Accuracy: ± (4 PPM +1 d) – 23± 5℃ , after calibration.
  • Time Base circuit: 4.194 MHz quartz crystal.
  • Time Base Temp. Coeffic: 0.1 PPM/per (typical, 23± 5℃ ).
  • Over-input:
    º 2500 MHz & 100 MHz range Max. 5V peak to peak.
    º 10 MHz & Period range Max. 250 V peak to peak
  • Input Connector: BNC, female.
  • Case: Durable & strong ABS-plastic housing.
  • Operating Temperature 0 to 50℃ (32 to 122℉ ).
  • Operating Humidity: Less than 80% RH
  • Power Supply: 4 x 1.5 V AA(UM-3) battery.
  • Power Consumption:
    º 2500 MHz & 500 MHz range Approx. DC 105 mA.
    º 10 MHz & Period range Approx. DC 45 mA.
  • AC Adapter Power Input: Optional, 9V DC , 300 to 500 mA rating, central positive for socket.
  • Power Off: Automatic power off & manual power off.
  • Dimension: 173 x 80 x 35mm (6.8 x 3.1 x 1.4 inch).

Standard Accessories :

  • Instruction Manual ………….. 1 PC.

Optional Accessories :

  • AT-20 ….Telescoping RF pick-up antenna with BNC connector.
  • PB-21 ….Direct probe with BNC connector & alligator clip pairs. (Be used only for the measuring frequency 500 MHz)
  • CA-03 ….Soft carrying case.



Lutron FC-2500A Datasheet

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