Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Lutron Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.
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CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Lutron products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..
This compact but powerful hot wire anemometer is perfect for environments with a very low air velocity. It measures the speed of the air and the temperature, and it also stores a record of the lowest and highest speeds and temperatures.
The built-in thermistor sensor enables the unit to provide highly accurate results every time. The anemometer measures wind speed in five different ways: m/s, km/h, ft/min, knots and mile/h. The results are listed on a very easy to read display screen, and you can reset its data records at any time. It comes with a heavy-duty, compact carrying case and a one-year warranty to ensure the anemometer’s longevity.
Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Lutron Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.
CV. Syariftama Global Indonesia berdiri sejak tahun 2017 merupakan online store yang menyediakan GPS, Alat Ukur & Alat Lab, Survey Pemetaan, Komunikasi dan Drone. Silahkan berbelanja dengan aman dan nyaman. Anda juga bisa langsung datang ke toko kami.