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iMEX E60 Rotary Laser Kit inc tripod & 2m staff

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iMEX E60 Rotary Laser Kit inc tripod & 2m staff

iMEX E60 Rotary Laser Kit inc tripod & 2m staff

  • Self levelling
  • 300m dia range
  • One button function
  • 3yr warranty
  • Includes detector, tripod and 3m staff


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung iMEX Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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iMEX E60 Rotary Laser Kit inc tripod & 2m staff

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Whole set with tripod.

From the Imex laser level innovators, the new E60 Rotary Laser is the affordable alternative for those who don’t want to pay a premium for quality. The E60 rotary laser is an economical one button function level with an included tripod and staff all complete in a hard carry case, great for general levelling for builders that don’t need a level every day, farmers and handymen.

Features iMEX E60 Rotary Laser Kit inc tripod & 2m staff :

  • Self levelling
  • 300m dia range
  • One button function
  • 3yr warranty
  • Includes detector, tripod and 3m staff

Specifications iMEX E60 Rotary Laser Kit inc tripod & 2m staff :

Specifications 012-E60K
Range 400m (1200’) dia
Accuracy 3.0mm @ 30m (1/8” @ 100’)
Light Source Red laser 635nm
Waterproof/Shockproof IP54
Power 4 x AA Alkaline
Detector Course and Fine
Warranty 3 Years
Packed Weight 9.2 Kg



iMEX E60 Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung iMEX Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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