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Hytera RD988 Repeater Digital

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Hytera RD988 Repeater Digital

Hytera RD988 Repeater Digital

The Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater is an expandable 50W, DMR and Analog dual-mode repeater that can work in analog and DMR conventional modes. It can be upgraded to trunking or simulcast mode by software only.


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Hytera RD988 Repeater Digital

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The Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater is the heart of a conventional multi-site analog or digital radio network. Boasting innovative design and reliability, this repeater provides excellent coverage with up to 50W of power.

Features Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater :

Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater is a 50W, DMR and Analog dual mode upgradable repeater which can work in analog and DMR conventional mode. It can be upgraded to trunking or simulcast mode by software only. One step upgrade package makes it easy to operate in different mode, analog conventional, MPT-1327, DMR conventional, DMR trunking and DMR simulcast with only one hardware platform.

Conventional Features

Repeater Diagnostic And Control (RDAC)
Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater supports Remote (via IP port to connect to internet) and Local diagnostic (via USB) PC applications to monitor, diagnose and control the repeater status, thus increasing the maintenance efficiency. Hytera developed RDAC is able to support multiple master network connection to allow radio administrator to monitor multiple radio network upcoming!

Analog Digital Auto switch

Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater supports Analog and Digital channel auto switching, allowing efficient frequency sharing between Analog and Digital users during the digital migration.

Analog/Digital Back-to-Back Interconnect

Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater supports different operating mode of Analog and Digital to interconnect for voice cross patch, allowing Analog users to communicate to the Digital users and vice versa. This has allowed the smooth migration for Analog users to the digital world!

Dual Slot Digital Audio Streaming

Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater supports streaming of both the voice slots via the rear port accessory pins, allowing third party for capability expansion.

IP Multi-site Connection

Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater supports network interconnection via the IP port of repeater to form a private radio network, allowing wide area coverage to meet dispersed locations data and voice communications.

Analog/Digital Telephone Interconnect (via DTMF signaling)

Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater supports simplex voice communications between radio and telephone users. It allows a radio user to make a telephone call; or a telephone user to make either a Group or Private call to radio users.

Analog Scan

Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater supports Analog voice and signaling scan, allowing repeating of different Analog voice users from various groups.

Multi CTCSS/CDCSS Decode

Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater supports decoding up to maximum of 16 CDCSS/ CTCSS in Analog channels, allowing repeating of different Analog voice users from various groups.

Upgrade to DMR Trunking Transceiver

DMR trunking Lite 2 carrier BS, including Power Distribution Unit, 2 Transceivers (Digital Repeater Hytera RD988) & Transceiver Power Supply, Switch, BS PSU, Base Station Controller, 2-channel RF System.

Open Standard

DMR Trunking Lite is based on DMR tier III standard, defined by ETSI in 2005, which is a digital radio standard for professional radio users. With dedicated control channel, DMR Trunking Lite can achieve versatile functions.

Smooth Migration

DMR Trunking Lite transceiver supports smooth migration from analog to digital, from conventional to trunking. Multi-modes provide you different choices for continual investment.

Integrated RF System

Intergrated 2-carrier RF system, significantly reduces the space and cost for divider, combiner and duplexer.

Non-centralilzed Structure Design

Non-centralized structure is only used for less than 5 base stations. It will ensure a cost-effective and flexible networking especially suits for small scale of network.

Upgrade to DMR Simulcast Transceiver

DMR Simulcast Single Carrier BS, including Built-in Router, Synchronized Expansion Unit, Transceiver (Digital Repeater Hytera RD988) & Power Unit & Duplexer.

Smooth Roaming and Handover

In simulcast system, the radio is capable of roaming and handover seamlessly between different BSs , the ongoing communication can continue normally during handover.

Dynamic Voting

Simulcast system can provide good voice performance in overlap area as radios in overlap area can always receive the best voice frame through dynamic voting. As a voting center, MSO is used to analyze each voice frame received from Base Stations in real time. The best voice frame will be extracted and sent to radios.

Analog/Digital Self-adaptive

Simulcast Base Station channels support working both in analog and digital mode, to ensure smooth migration from analog to digital network. Digital or analog mode is automatically selected based on the incoming signals.

Smart Subnetting and Patching

According to management requirements, DMR simulcast system can be divided into different subnets by Base Station or by time slot of channel unit in each Base Station. Each subnet can work as a independent simulcast system. Different subnets can be patched to make a larger subnet temporarily according to the requirements.

Upgrade Features

Flexible application via software or hardware upgrade:

  • Digital conventional repeater
  • DMR trunking transceiver
  • Analog conventional repeater
  • Analog simulcast transceiver
  • MPT trunking transceiver

Specifications Hytera RD988 Digital Repeater :

UHF1: 400-470MHz
UHF2: 450-520MHz
UHF3: 350-400MHz
VHF:  136-174MHz
Channel Capacity
Channel Spacing
Operating Voltage
Current Drain
Frequency Stability
Antenna Impedance
Duty Cycle
Dimensions (H×W×D)
88 X 483 X 366 mm
8.5 kg
LCD Display
220*176 pixels, 262000 colors
2.0 inch, 4 rows
RF Power Output
FM Modulation
11K0F3E @ 12.5kHz
14K0F3E @ 20kHz
16K0F3E @ 25kHz
4FSK Digital Modulation
12.5kHz Data Only: 7K60FXD
12.5kHz Data & Voice: 7K60FXW
Conducted/Radiated Emission
-36dBm <1GHz
-30dBm >1GHz
Modulation Limiting
±2.5 kHz @ 12.5 kHz
±4.0 kHz @ 20 kHz
±5.0 kHz @ 25 kHz
FM Hum & Noise
40dB @ 12.5 kHz
43dB @ 20 kHz
45dB @ 25 kHz
Adjacent Channel Power
70dB@20 /25kHz
Audio Response
+1 ~ -3dB
Audio Distortion
Digital Vocoder Type
Digital Protocol
ETSI-TS102 361-1,-2,-3
0.3μV (12dB SINAD)
0.22μV (Typical) (12dB SINAD)
0.4μV (20dB SINAD)
Adjacent Channel Selectivity
65dB @ 12.5 kHz ;75dB @ 20/25 kHz
65dB @ 12.5 kHz ;75dB @ 20/25 kHz
75dB @ 12.5/20/25 kHz
70dB @ 12.5/20/25 kHz
Spurious Response Rejection TIA-603
80dB @ 12.5/20/25 kHz
80dB @ 12.5/20/25 kHz
Hum and Noise
40dB @ 12.5kHz
43dB @ 20kHz
45dB @ 25kHz
Rated Audio Power Output
Rated Audio Distortion
Audio Response
+1 ~ -3dB
Conducted Spurious Emission



Hytera RD988 Datasheet

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