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Hioki 3490 Analog MΩ HiTester

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Hioki 3490 Analog MΩ HiTester

Hioki 3490 Analog MΩ HiTester

Hioki insulation testers or megohmmeters feature all-in-one designs including built-in rugged cases and test lead storage compartments. The 3490 is a 3-range, 250/500/1000V analog insulation resistance meter with efficient functions and features to help shorten work time associated with field insulation testing.


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Hioki 3490 Analog MΩ HiTester

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Hioki insulation testers or megohmmeters feature all-in-one designs including built-in rugged cases and test lead storage compartments. The 3490 is a 3-range, 250/500/1000V analog insulation resistance meter with efficient functions and features to help shorten work time associated with field insulation testing.

Features Hioki 3490 Analog MΩ HiTester :

  • 3-range testing voltage of 250/500 V (insulation resistance testing up to 100 MΩ), and 1000 V (insulation testing up to 4000 MΩ)
  • Continuity check at 3 Ω range via 200 mA testing
  • Bright LED luminous scale
  • Check for live circuits and battery status

Robust, damage-resistant design

These instruments feature a robust design that can withstand being dropped onto concrete from a height of 1 m. Difficult to damage, this insulation tester is ideal for use in the field.

White LED lighting that’s easy to read in dim locations in the field

The scale is lit by a white LED, ensuring that insulation resistance values are easy to read, even when using the instrument in a dim location.

Continuous monitoring of battery life

You can keep track of remaining battery life since it’s shown on the LED, eliminating the need to worry about sudden loss of battery power in the field.

Measurement switch designed for outstanding ease of use

The instrument’s measurement switch can be operated with just the thumb. Press for a single measurement or lift up for continuous measurement of insulation resistance.

Remote control to start and stop insulation resistance measurement from the leads

By using switch-equipped measurement leads, you can start and stop insulation resistance measurement remotely. There’s also a handy light for improved convenience when working in dim locations.

Function rotary switch designed for maximum safety

This insulation tester has voltages grouped by application with an “OFF” position between them to help keep users from inadvertently applying the wrong voltage.

Specifications Hioki 3490 Analog MΩ HiTester :

Rated output voltage 250 V DC 500 V DC 1000 V DC
Effective maximum indicated value 100 MΩ 100 MΩ 4000 MΩ
1st effective measuring range
±2 % of scale length
0.05 to 50 MΩ
±2 % of scale length
0.05 to 50 MΩ
±2 % of scale length
2 to 1000 MΩ
Lower limit resistance 0.25 MΩ 0.5 MΩ 1 MΩ
(Measurement resistance value to maintain testing voltage)
Overload protection 660 V AC (10 sec.)
Low resistance range 3 Ω (at 200 mA testing current), ±0.09 Ω accuracy,
30 Ω (at 20 mA testing current), ±0.9 Ω accuracy,
Open-circuit voltage: 4.1 to 6.9 V
AC voltage range 0 to 600 V (50/60 Hz), ±5 % of maximum scale value accuracy,
100 kΩ or more input resistance
Other functions Bright LED luminous scale, Drop proof (on concrete, 1 m/1 time), Battery check, Live circuit check, Auto discharge
Power supply LR6 (AA) alkaline batteries ×4, Continuous use: 20 hours (at 500 V range, no load)
Dimensions and mass 159 mm (6.26 in)W × 177 mm (6.97 in)H × 53 mm (2.09 in)D, 610 g (21.5 oz), (including battery, excluding test lead)
Accessories Test lead L9787 ×1, Instruction manual ×1, Shoulder strap ×1, LR6 (AA) alkaline batteries ×4



Hioki 3490 Datasheet

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