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Hi-Target HD MAX Echo Sounder

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Hi-Target HD MAX Echo Sounder

Hi-Target HD MAX Echo Sounder

HD-MAX dual-frequency echo sounder is widely used in sediment measurement for dredging and other water depth measurement projects in shallow water, deep water, and high sandy water. The full-featured Hi-MAX Sounder hydrographic software integrates bathymetry, navigation, and post-processing. Equipped with a 17″large screen and industrial computer platform, HD-MAX offers a set of reliable solutions for hydrographic offices around the world with a robust dual-frequency transducer and a user-friendly survey pole.


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Hi-Target HD MAX Echo Sounder

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HD-MAX dual-frequency echo sounder is widely used in sediment measurement for dredging and other water depth
measurement projects in shallow water, deep water, and high sandy water. The full-featured Hi-MAX Sounder hydrographic software integrates bathymetry, navigation, and post-processing. Equipped with a 17″large screen and industrial computer platform, HD-MAX offers a set of reliable solutions for hydrographic offices around the world with a robust dual-frequency transducer and a user-friendly survey pole.

The Combination of High and Low Frequency

HD-MAX features the simultaneous operation of both high and low frequencies, making it a good performer in both shallow and deep water. High frequency brings good accuracy, accurately measuring the depth of shallow water. Low frequency has large emission energy and strong capacity of penetration, with no fear of complex deep water. Moreover, Hi-MAX Sounder software uses the different propagation characteristics of high and low frequencies to output the real-time difference of water depth value between the low and high frequencies, which is the thickness of the sediment under the water

The Full-featured Hi-MAX Sounder Software

Powerful Hi-MAX Sounder hydrographic software integrates bathymetry, navigation and post-processing. Hi-MAX Sounder displays, processes and export dual frequency data. At the same time, Hi-MAX Sounder supports access to standard NMEA data from any receiver to provide accurate GNSS coordinates for your bathymetry data. For more surveying scenarios, Hi-MAX Sounder also supports third-party sensors of attitude, surge, rosette, sound speed, combined navigation, water level meter, etc.

Features Hi-Target HD MAX Echo Sounder :

  • Dual-frequency
  • The Full-featured Hi-MAX Sounder Software
  • Rugged Industrial Platform
  • CE and EN 60945 Certification
  • New Processing Circuit
  • Frequency Span Available for Special Projects
  • Multiple I/O Interfaces
  • 17-inch Large Tempered Glass Screen
  • Shortcut Buttons
  • Window 7 Operating System
  • 128 GB Internal Data Storage

Applications :

Tracking of the Seabed

  • Using the high energy of low-frequency sound waves and low attenuation in the water, HD-MAX is capable of bottom tracking of the ocean

Turbid Water with High Sand Content

  • HD-MAX can be easily operated in water with a high sand content of 3~35kg/m³. Low-frequency sound waves allow HD-MAX to penetrate a large amount of sand in the river to obtain the underwater topography

Sediment Measurement for Dredging

  • As a good tool for sediment measurement, the combination of high and low frequency can provide the thickness of sediment, which is important for guiding dredging projects for ports, harbors, and channels

Measurement at High Speed

  • HD-MAX supports measurement at a high speed with the highest ping rate of 30Hz. Under the condition of the measurement vessel reaching the full speed of 10.6 knots and the depth of water is 10~40 m, the echoes received by HD-MAX are stable and there are no secondary echoes or spurious echoes

Specifications Hi-Target HD MAX Echo Sounder :

High: 200kHz
Low: 24kHz
Maximum Transmitting Power:
Depth Range
0.15~300m/1.0~900 ft.@200kHz
0.8~2000m/2.4~6000 ft.@24kHz
0.01m/0.1 ft. +/- 0.1% of depth @200kHz
0.10m/0.30 ft. +/- 0.1% of depth @24kHz
0.01m/0.10 ft @200kHz
0.10m/0.30 ft @24kHz
Sound Velocity 1370~1700m/s
Ping Rate Maximum 30Hz
Output Data Format Standard NMEA 0183, DESO 25, ODOM, Knudsen, Bathy, Echotrac, Hi-Target
Screen 17inches;Resolution:1280 x 1024@60Hz
CPU 1.92GHz,Quad-core(windows 7)
Storage 128GB SSD
Interfaces RS-232*3, USB*4, Power Port*1,Transducer Port*1, VGA*1
Input Power 10~30 VDC or 220 VAC
Consumption 80 watts
Operating Temperature -20℃~70℃
Weight 9.5 kg(20lbs)
Dimensions 480mm(18.8 in)H×360mm(14.1 in)W×110mm(4.3 in)
Material of Shell High strength ASA
Certification CE, EN 60945



Hi-Target HD MAX Datasheet

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