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Hanna HI-38033 Hardness (as CaCO3), total – Range (0-30 gpg)

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Hanna HI-38033 Hardness (as CaCO3), total – Range (0-30 gpg)

Hanna HI-38033 Hardness (as CaCO3), total – Range (0-30 gpg)

For titration. Hardness in air is mainly due to the presence of calcium and magnesium ions and each contributes to the total hardness. Monitoring and controlling hardness is essential in preventing scaling and corrosion. Reagents are then added under monitoring conditions.


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Hanna HI-38033 Hardness (as CaCO3), total – Range (0-30 gpg)

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Hanna products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

Hardness in water is mainly due to the presence of Calcium and Magnesium ions and each contributes to the amount of total hardness. Monitoring and controlling hardness is instrumental in order to prevent scaling and corrosion.

Water is categorized as very soft (0-70 mg/L), soft (70-150 mg/L), slightly hard (150-250 mg/L), moderately hard (250-320 mg/L), hard (320-420 mg/L) and very hard (420 mg/L and above), according to the hardness scale. Hanna kits cover all of these ranges.

Hanna offers the HI 3840-S, HI 3841-S and HI 3842-S chemical test kits packed in sachets offering a low cost alternative.


Titration; Range: 0-30 gpg; Smallest Increment: 1 gpg; # of tests, 50; Chemical Method: EDTA; Weight: 457g

Specification Hanna HI-38033 Hardness (as CaCO3), total – Range (0-30 gpg) :

Range 0-30 gpg
Smallest Increment 1 gpg
Chemical Method EDTA
Number of Tests 100
Weight 457 g



Hanna HI-38033 Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Hanna Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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