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Extech SDL900 AC/DC Magnetic Meter/Datalogger

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Extech SDL900 AC/DC Magnetic Meter/Datalogger

Extech SDL900 AC/DC Magnetic Meter/Datalogger

SDL900 adalah Meter Magnetik AC/DC dan Datalogger dengan kompensasi suhu otomatis. SDL900 menggunakan sensor efek Hall. Meter ini memiliki laju pengambilan sampel data yang dapat disesuaikan dari 1 hingga 3600 detik. Dilengkapi dengan sensor probe magnetik uniaxial dengan penutup pelindung, kartu memori SD, 6 baterai AA, dan wadah penyimpanan yang keras.


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Extech SDL900 AC/DC Magnetic Meter/Datalogger

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The SDL900 is an AC/DC Magnetic Meter and Datalogger with automatic temperature compensation. The SDL900 utilizes Hall effect sensor. This meter features an adjustable data sampling rate from 1 to 3600 seconds. Complete with uniaxial magnetic probe sensor with protective cover, SD memory card, 6 AA batteries and hard carrying case.

Features Extech SDL900 AC/DC Magnetic Meter/Datalogger :

  • Utilizes Hall effect sensor with ATC (Automatic Temperature Compensation)
  • Adjustable data sampling rate: 1 to 3600 seconds
  • Memory stores 99 readings manually
  • Datalogging feature records readings with date and time stamp on an SD card (included) in Excel® format
  • N pole/S pole indicator
  • Zero button for DC measurement
  • Data Hold and Min/Max
  • Auto power off with disable
  • Complete with uniaxial magnetic probe sensor with protective cover, SD memory card, Universal AC adaptor with multi-plugs (US, EU, UK, AUS), 6 AA batteries, and hard carrying case

Specifications Extech SDL900 AC/DC Magnetic Meter/Datalogger :

Specifications Range Max Resolution Basic Accuracy
DC milli Tesla 300.00mT 0.01mT ±(5% + 10d)
3000.0mT 0.1mT ±(5% + 10d)
DC Gauss 3000.0G 0.1G ±(5% + 10d)
30,000G 1G ±(5% + 10d)
AC milli Tesla 150.00mT 0.01mT ±(5% + 20d)
1500.0mT 0.1mT ±(5% + 20d)
AC Gauss 1500.0G 0.1G ±(5% + 20d)
15,000G 1G ±(5% + 20d)
Number of Axis Uniaxial
AC Bandwidth 50Hz/60Hz
Sampling Rate 1 to 3600 seconds
Datalogging Datalog readings on SD card (included)
Dimensions/ Weight 7.1×2.9×1.9” (182x73x48mm)/ 10.7oz (303g)



Extech SDL900 Datasheet

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