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Extech RH390 Precision Psychrometer

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Extech RH390 Precision Psychrometer

Extech RH390 Precision Psychrometer

Ukur kelembapan dan suhu secara bersamaan dengan RH390 Precision Psychrometer dari Extech. Pembacaan dengan dua lampu dapat diubah untuk menampilkan suhu basah dan kelembapan, atau titik embun dan kelembapan, atau suhu dan kelembapan. Perangkat genggam ini mencatat suhu dari -22 derajat hingga 199 derajat F (-30 derajat hingga 100 derajat C) dan mengukur spektrum penuh kelembapan relatif dengan akurasi ±2% antara 20 dan 90% RH. Dilengkapi dengan wadah penyimpanan dan baterai 9V.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Extech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Extech RH390 Precision Psychrometer

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Measure humidity and temperature simultaneously with the RH390 Precision Psychrometer from Extech. A dual-illuminated readout can be alternated to display wet bulb and humidity, or dew point and humidity, or temperature and humidity. This handheld device registers temperatures from -22 degrees to 199 degrees F (-30 degrees to 100 degrees C) and measures the full spectrum of relative humidity with ±2% accuracy between 20 and 90% RH. Complete with carrying case and 9V battery.

Features Extech RH390 Precision Psychrometer :

  • Dual backlit display
  • Simultaneous display of:Humidity/Temperature Humidity/Dew Point Humidity/Wet Bulb
  • Slim design with rubberized sides for better grip and for one hand operation
  • Data Hold and Min/Max functions
  • Auto power off with disable and low battery indicator
  • Complete with carrying case and 9V battery

Specifications Extech RH390 Precision Psychrometer :

Specifications Range
Humidity 0 to 100%RH
Temperature (Internal) -22 to 199°F (-30 to 100°C)
Basic Accuracy ±2%RH, ±1.8°F/1°C
Max. Resolution 0.1%RH, 0.1°F/°C
Dewpoint -22 to 199°F (-30 to 100°C)
Wet Bulb 32 to 176 °F (0 to 80°C)
Dimensions 7.8×1.7×1.3” (200x45x33mm)
Weight 7oz (200g)



Extech RH390 Datasheet

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