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Extech RF41 Portable Battery Coolant/Glycol Refractometer with ATC (°C)

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Extech RF41 Portable Battery Coolant/Glycol Refractometer with ATC (°C)

Extech RF41 Portable Battery Coolant/Glycol Refractometer with ATC (°C)

Extech RF41 mengukur titik beku propilena/etilena glikol dari -50°C hingga 0°C. Alat ini juga mengukur berat jenis asam baterai dari 1,11 hingga 1,30 dan memberikan referensi cepat tentang kondisi pengisian daya baterai. Hanya memerlukan 2 atau 3 tetes larutan untuk pembacaan yang cepat dan akurat. Kompensasi suhu otomatis memberikan pengukuran yang dapat diulang pada skala yang mudah dibaca. Prisma dan lensa dilengkapi dengan penyesuaian fokus yang sederhana. Termasuk wadah pembawa dan obeng kalibrasi.


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Extech RF41 Portable Battery Coolant/Glycol Refractometer with ATC (°C)

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The Extech RF41 measures propylene/ethylene glycol freezing points from -50°C to 0°C. It also measures the specific gravity of battery acid from 1.11 to 1.30 and provides a quick reference of battery charge condition. Requires only 2 or 3 drops of solution for fast and accurate readings. The automatic temperature compensation provides repeatable measurements on an easy to read scale. Prism and lens come with a simple focus adjustment. Includes carrying case and calibration screwdriver.

Features Extech RF41 Portable Battery Coolant/Glycol Refractometer with ATC (°C) :

  • Measures -50 to 0°C Propylene/Ethylene Glycol freeze point and 1.11 to 1.30 Specific Gravity of Battery Acid
  • Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC)
  • Requires only 2 or 3 drops of solution
  • The prism and lens with a simple focus adjustment
  • Complete with case, calibration screwdriver, plastic pipette and calibration solution

Specifications Extech RF41 Portable Battery Coolant/Glycol Refractometer with ATC (°C) :

Specifications Range Resolution Basic Accuracy
Propylene Glycol freeze point -50°C to 0°C 1°C (1%) ±2%
Ethylene Glycol freeze point -50°C to 0°C 1°C (1%) ±2%
Specific Gravity of Battery Acid 1.15 to 1.30 0.01
Dimensions/Weight 6.5×1.5×1.5” (165x38x38mm)/ 7oz (200g)



Extech RF41 Datasheet

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