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Extech PRC30 Multifunction Process Calibrator

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Extech PRC30 Multifunction Process Calibrator

Extech PRC30 Multifunction Process Calibrator

PRC30 adalah Kalibrator Proses Multifungsi. Kalibrator ini menyediakan sumber dan pengukuran presisi untuk termokopel (delapan jenis), perangkat arus (mA), dan tegangan (mV dan V). Dilengkapi daya loop 24 volt, lima prasetel kalibrasi yang dapat disesuaikan pengguna, dan keluaran suhu dalam Fahrenheit, Celsius, dan milivolt. Produk ini meliputi kabel uji, klip buaya, kabel kalibrasi termokopel, kabel kalibrasi universal, adaptor universal AC 100-240V dengan 4 colokan, baterai AA, casing keras, dan buku petunjuk pengguna.


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Extech PRC30 Multifunction Process Calibrator

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The PRC30 is a Multifunction Process Calibrator. This calibrator provides precision sourcing and measurements for thermocouples (eight types), current (mA), and voltage (mV and V) devices. Featuring 24 volt loop power, five user adjustable calibration presets, and temperature output in Fahrenheit, Celsius, and millivolts. Product includes test leads, alligator clips, thermocouple calibration cable, universal calibration cable, 100-240V AC universal adapter with 4 plugs, AA batteries, hard case, and user manual.

Features Extech PRC30 Multifunction Process Calibrator :

  • 0 to 24mA (-25 to 125%) readout
  • 24V DC power source for 2-wire current loop
  • 0 to 20V DC calibration source
  • Source and measure 8 thermocouple type devices (J, K, T, E, C, R, S and N)
  • CJC – Cold Junction Compensation function
  • Up to five user adjustable calibration presets
  • Palm-sized double molded housing and large dot-matrix backlit LCD
  • High accuracy calibration function simulates precision thermocouple outputs for use in calibrating thermometers, transmitters, controllers or recorders
  • Displays output in terms of millivolts or temperature based on thermocouple tables
  • Zero adjustment, auto zero when power on and change mode
  • Standard banana I/O ports and mini thermocouple connector
  • Large battery bank for extended work cycle
  • External power adapter for continuous work cycle
  • Complete with test leads, alligator clips, calibration cables, 100V-240V AC universal adaptor with 4 plugs, six AA batteries, and hard carrying case

Specifications Extech PRC30 Multifunction Process Calibrator :

Specifications Range Basic Accuracy
DC Source
Current 0 to 24mA, -25% to +125% ±(0.01% + 1 digit)
Max. Load 1000Ω @ 24mA
Voltage 0 to 2000mV, 0 to 20V ±(0.01% + 1 digit)
mV/Temp -5 to 55mV ±(0.01% + 1 digit)
Type J -58 to 1832°F (-50 to 1000°C) ±(0.05% + 2°F or 1°C)
Type K -58 to 2498°F (-50 to 1370°C) ±(0.05% + 2°F or 1°C)
Type T -184 to 752°F (-120 to 400°C) ±(0.05% + 2°F or 1°C)
Type E -58 to 1382°F (-50 to 750°C) ±(0.05% + 2°F or 1°C)
Type C, R, S 32 to 3182°F (0 to 1750°C) ±(0.05% + 2°F or 1°C)
Type N -58 to 2372°F (-50 to 1300°C) ±(0.05% + 2°F or 1°C)
DC Measure
Current 0 to 50mA, -25% to +230% ±(0.01% + 1 digit)
Voltage 0 to 1999mV / 2 to 20V ±(0.01% + 1 digit) / auto range
mV/Temp -10 to 60mV ±(0.01% + 1 digit)
Type J -58 to 1832°F (-50 to 1000°C) ±(0.05% + 1.8°F or 1°C)
Type K -58 to 2498°F (-50 to 1370°C) ±(0.05% + 1.8°F or 1°C)
Type T -184 to 752°F (-120 to 400°C) ±(0.05% + 1.8°F or 1°C)
Type E -58 to 1382°F (-50 to 750°C) ±(0.05% + 1.8°F or 1°C)
Type C, R, S 32 to 3182°F (0 to 1750°C) ±(0.05% + 2°F or 1°C)
Type N -58 to 2372°F (-50 to 1300°C) ±(0.05% + 2°F or 1°C)
Loop Power 24V
Dimensions 6.3” x 3.2” x 1.7” (159 x 80 x 44mm)
Weight 8.4oz (236g)



Extech PRC30 Datasheet

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