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Extech MO50 Compact Pin Moisture Meter

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Extech MO50 Compact Pin Moisture Meter

Extech MO50 Compact Pin Moisture Meter

Extech MO50 adalah alat pengukur kelembapan berbentuk pin yang ringkas yang dapat menampilkan tingkat kelembapan pada kayu dan bahan bangunan termasuk papan dinding, papan gipsum, beton, dan mortar. Dengan peringatan suara yang berbunyi lebih cepat saat tingkat kelembapan meningkat, alat pengukur yang ringkas ini mudah digunakan dan dipahami. MO50 dilengkapi dengan pin (terpasang pada alat pengukur), tutup pelindung, dan baterai 9V.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Extech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Extech MO50 Compact Pin Moisture Meter

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The Extech MO50 is a compact pin moisture meter that can display moisture levels in wood and building materials including wall board, sheetrock, concrete, and mortar. With an audible alert that beeps faster as moisture levels increase, this compact meter is easy to use and understand. The MO50 complete with pins (installed on meter), protective cap, and 9V battery.

Features Extech MO50 Compact Pin Moisture Meter :

  • Displays moisture level in wood and building materials such as wall board, sheet rock, cardboard, plaster, concrete, and mortar
  • Audible Alert – tone rate beeps faster as the moisture level increases
  • Icons display low, medium and high levels of moisture content
  • Easy-to-use, compact-sized design
  • Data Hold freezes reading on display
  • Built-in battery level check and measurement verification test
  • Auto Power Off conserves battery power
  • Complete with pins (installed on meter), protective cap, and 9V battery

Specifications Extech MO50 Compact Pin Moisture Meter :

Specifications Range
Sensor Type Contact Pins
Wood Moisture Range 5 to 50%
Other Building Materials 1.5 to 33%
Resolution 0.1%
Wood Moisture Icon Levels Low: 5% to 11.9%; Medium: 12% to 15.9%; High: 16 to 50%
Building Material Icon Levels Low: 1.5% to 16.9%; Medium: 17% to 19.9%; High: 20 to 33%
Dimensions/Weight 6.7×2.6×1.2” (170x65x30mm) / 4.2oz (120g) battery not included



Extech MO50 Datasheet

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