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Extech MO230 Pocket Moisture Meter

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Extech MO230 Pocket Moisture Meter

Extech MO230 Pocket Moisture Meter

Pengukur Kelembapan Saku Extech MO230 memiliki layar LCD grafis ganda yang besar, yang menampilkan kelembapan pada kayu dan bahan bangunan lainnya, serta suhu udara dan kelembapan relatif. Grafik batang analog menampilkan kelembapan, nilai kelembapan minimum/maksimum, dan indikasi basah/kering yang dapat diprogram. Dapat digunakan pada kayu, kertas, papan dinding, papan gipsum, kardus, plester, beton, dan mortar. Memori berisi 3 kelompok kayu dan empat kelompok bahan bangunan dengan kalibrasi untuk sekitar 150 spesies kayu dan 19 jenis bahan bangunan. Mode indeks memiliki nilai tinggi dan rendah yang dapat diprogram untuk menemukan kelembapan dengan cepat dengan pengukuran komparatif. Dilengkapi dengan pin elektroda berulir yang dapat diganti, casing antibenturan, daya mati otomatis yang menghemat energi baterai, pemeriksaan baterai internal, dan uji verifikasi pengukuran. Dilengkapi dengan tutup pelindung, pin pengganti, dan tiga baterai kancing CR-2032.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Extech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Extech MO230 Pocket Moisture Meter

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The Extech MO230 Pocket Moisture Meter’s large dual graphical LCD displays moisture in wood and other building materials plus air temperature and relative humidity. The analog bargraph displays moisture, minimum/maximum moisture values, and programmable wet/dry indication. Use on wood, paper, wallboard, sheet rock, cardboard, plaster, concrete, and mortar. The memory contains 3 wood groups and four building material groups with calibrations for approximately 150 species of wood and 19 building material types. The index mode has programmable high and low values to quickly locate moisture with comparative measurement. Includes replaceable threaded electrode pins, impact proof housing, auto power off which conserves battery energy, built-in battery check, and measurement verification test. Complete with protective cap, replacement pins, and three CR-2032 button batteries.

Features Extech MO230 Pocket Moisture Meter :

  • Displays moisture in wood and other building materials plus Air Temperature and Relative Humidity
  • Digital LCD readout with analog bargraph and numerical displays
  • Simultaneous digital readout of moisture content plus ambient temperature or humidity with analog bargraph display of moisture, Max moisture values, and programmable wet/dry indication
  • Use on wood, paper, wall board, sheet rock, cardboard, plaster, concrete, and mortar
  • Memory contains 3 wood groups and 4 building material groups with calibrations for approximately 150 species of wood and 19 building material types
  • Index Mode with programmable high and low values can be used to quickly locate moisture with comparative measurement
  • Replaceable threaded measurement electrode pins
  • Impact proof housing
  • Auto power off conserves battery energy
  • Built-in battery check and measurement verification test
  • Complete with protective cap, replacement pins, and three CR-2032 button batteries

Specifications Extech MO230 Pocket Moisture Meter :

Specifications Range
Wood Moisture Range 0 to 75%
Other Building Materials 0.1 to 24%
Temperature -40 to 158°F (-40 to 70°C)
Relative Humidity 0 to 100%RH
Measurement principle Electrical resistance
Electrode length 0.3” (8mm)
Electrode pins Integrated, replaceable
Auto Power Off After approx. 3 minutes
Operating Temperature 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C)
Operating Humidity 85% Relative Humidity maximum
Power supply Three CR-2032 button cells
Dimensions 6.25 x 2.5 x 1.2” (159 x 63.5 x 30.5mm)
Weight 3.5 oz (100g)



Extech MO230 Datasheet

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