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Extech LT45 Color LED Light Meter

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Extech LT45 Color LED Light Meter

Extech LT45 Color LED Light Meter

Pengukur cahaya LED LT45 berguna untuk mengukur dan mengoptimalkan tingkat cahaya lingkungan di berbagai lingkungan, termasuk gedung perkantoran, pabrik dan gudang, kampus universitas, sekolah, rumah sakit, dan banyak lokasi lainnya. OSHA mengatur pencahayaan tempat kerja karena pencahayaan harus memadai untuk tugas yang diberikan, dan pengukur cahaya digunakan untuk memverifikasi kepatuhan terhadap peraturan, serta kode dan peraturan keselamatan publik negara bagian dan lokal. Penggunaan lampu LED meningkat karena lebih efisien dalam pengoperasian, memancarkan pencahayaan yang stabil dan berkualitas tinggi, dan teknologinya semakin murah. LT45 dilengkapi dengan baterai 9 volt, penutup sensor pelindung, kotak keras, dan buku petunjuk pengguna.


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Extech LT45 Color LED Light Meter

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The LT45 LED light meter is useful for measuring and optimizing environmental light levels in a wide range of environments, including office buildings, manufacturing plants and warehouses, university campuses, schools, hospitals, and many other locations. OSHA regulates workplace lighting because illumination must be adequate for assigned tasks, and light meters are used to verify regulatory compliance, as well as state and local public safety codes and ordinances. Use of LED lighting is on the rise because it is more efficient to operate, it emits stable, high quality illumination, and the technology is dropping in price. The LT45 comes with a 9-volt battery, protective sensor cover, hard case, and user manual.

Features Extech LT45 Color LED Light Meter :

  • Measure White, Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue LED and Standard Lighting in Lux or Foot-Candle (Fc) units
  • Manually store/recall up to 99 readings
  • 4000 count LCD display
  • Cosine and color corrected measurements
  • Min/Max Average and Auto Power Off
  • Complete with light sensor with protective cover and coiled cable expandable to 59” (1.5m), 9V battery, and hard carrying case

Model LT40 Functions

  • Measures white LED lights
  • Complete with built-in sensor with protective cover, 2 AAA batteries, and pouch

Model LT45 Functions

  • Measures white, red, yellow, green, blue, and purple LED lights
  • Manually store/recall up to 99 readings
  • Complete with light sensor with protective cover and coiled cable expandable to 59″ (1.5m), 9V battery, and hard case

Specifications Extech LT45 Color LED Light Meter :

Specifications Range
Foot-candle (Fc) 40, 400 4000, 40000
Lux 400, 4000, 40000, 400000
LED Type white, red, yellow, green, blue
Basic Accuracy ±3%
Dimensions 5.1×2.2×1.5” (130x55x38mm)
Weight 8.8oz (250g)



Extech LT45 Datasheet

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