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Extech HT30 Heat Stress WBGT Meter

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Extech HT30 Heat Stress WBGT Meter

Extech HT30 Heat Stress WBGT Meter

The HT30 Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) meter allows you to measure Heat Stress Index, or how hot it feels when humidity is combined with temperature, air movement, and radiant heat. The meter can also take individual temperature, humidity, and radiant heat measurements as well as monitor the effects of direct solar radiation on an exposed surface using the Black Globe temperature sensor. An in/out function displays the WGBT value with or without direct sun exposure. Additional features include Auto Power Off with override and a built-in RS-232 interface. Complete with 2 AAA batteries.


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Extech HT30 Heat Stress WBGT Meter

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The HT30 Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) meter allows you to measure Heat Stress Index, or how hot it feels when humidity is combined with temperature, air movement, and radiant heat. The meter can also take individual temperature, humidity, and radiant heat measurements as well as monitor the effects of direct solar radiation on an exposed surface using the Black Globe temperature sensor. An in/out function displays the WGBT value with or without direct sun exposure. Additional features include Auto Power Off with override and a built-in RS-232 interface. Complete with 2 AAA batteries.

Features Extech HT30 Heat Stress WBGT Meter :

  • Heat Stress Index measures how hot it feels when humidity is combined with temperature, air movement, and radiant heat
  • Black Globe Temperature (TG) monitors the effects of direct solar radiation on an exposed surface
  • In/Out Function displays the WGBT value with or without direct sun exposure
  • Air Temperature (TA) plus Relative Humidity (RH)
  • Selectable units of °F and °C
  • Auto Power Off with override
  • Built-in RS-232 interface with optional Windows® compatible software
  • Complete with two AAA batteries
  • Optional Windows® compatible PC software (407752) for further data analysis and to generate reports

Specifications Extech HT30 Heat Stress WBGT Meter :

Specifications Range Basic Accuracy
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C) ±4°F/2°C
Black Globe Temperature (TG 32 to 176°F (0 to 80°C ±4°F/2°C
Air Temperature (TA) 32 to 122°ºF (0 to 50ºC) ±1.8°F/1.0°C
Humidity 0 to 100%RH ±3%RH
Dimensions Meter: 10 x 1.9 x 1.1″ (254 x 48.7 x 29.4mm)
Ball: 1.6″ dia, 1.4″ high (40mm diameter, 35mm high)
Weight 4.8oz (136g)



Extech HT30 Datasheet

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