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Extech DO610 ExStik® II DO/pH/Conductivity Kit

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Extech DO610 ExStik® II DO/pH/Conductivity Kit

Extech DO610 ExStik® II DO/pH/Conductivity Kit

Includes EC500 pH/Conductivity meter with combination high accuracy multi-ranging Conductivity sensor for Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, pH and Temperature measurements.
Includes DO600 Dissolved Oxygen meter with electrode, replacement membrane cap, electrolyte, and polishing paper.
Complete with 3 calibration standards, 3 pH buffer pouches plus rinse solution, 3 plastic cups, batteries and carrying case.


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Extech DO610 ExStik® II DO/pH/Conductivity Kit

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Measures Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Conductivity, TDS, Salinity and Temperature

Includes EC500 pH/Conductivity meter with combination high accuracy multi-ranging Conductivity sensor for Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, pH and Temperature measurements.
Includes DO600 Dissolved Oxygen meter with electrode, replacement membrane cap, electrolyte, and polishing paper.
Complete with 3 calibration standards, 3 pH buffer pouches plus rinse solution, 3 plastic cups, batteries and carrying case.

ExStik® II DO/pH/Conductivity Kit
Model : DO610

  • Convenient DO/pH/Conductivity Kit with all the accessories and carrying case for easy travel
  • Designed for water, wastewater, groundwater, aquaculture and fisheries professionals Kit includes:
  • EC500 pH/Conductivity ExStik® II meter with combination high accuracy multi-ranging Conductivity sensor for Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, pH and Temperature measurements
  • DO600 Dissolved Oxygen ExStik® II meter with electrode, replacement membrane cap, and electrolyte
  • Meters waterproof to IP57 standard

Accessories included :

  • Sample pH buffers – Single use pouches for pH4, pH7, pH10, and rinse solutions
  • Weighted base with 2 cups and caps, four 3V CR-2032 batteries and neckstrap with each meter, and carrying case

Specification Extech DO610 ExStik® II DO/pH/Conductivity Kit :

TDS/Salinity 0 to 99.9ppm (mg/L), 100 to 999ppm (mg/L) 1.0 to 9.99ppt (g/L)
pH 0.00 to 14.00pH
DO (saturation mode) 0 to 200.0%
DO (concentration mode) 0 to 20.00ppm (mg/L)
Temperature (pH, Conductivity) 23 to 194°F (-5 to 90°C)
Temperature (DO) 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C)
DO (concentration mode) 0 to 20.00ppm (mg/L)
Automatic Temp Compensation Yes
Max Resolution DO600: 0.1%, 0.01ppm (mg/L)
EC500: 0.1µS, 0.01ppm (mg/L)
Basic Accuracy DO600: ±2.0%FS, 0.4ppm (mg/L) ±1.8°F/1°C
EC500: ±2.0%FS, 0.01pH), ±1.8°F/1°C
Dimensions 9.5 x 6.8 x 2.8” (241 x 173 x 71mm)
Weight 1.56 lbs. (708g)



Extech DO610 Datasheet

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