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Extech CO260 CO/CO2 Meter

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Extech CO260 CO/CO2 Meter

Extech CO260 CO/CO2 Meter

The Extech CO260 monitors indoor air quality for carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. In high concentrations these gases can affect the health and well-being of people and pets. Monitor CO2 levels in schools, office buildings, greenhouses, factories, hotels, hospitals, transportation lines, and anywhere that high levels of carbon dioxide may be generated. The CO260 also measures air temperature/relative humidity and calculates dew point/wet bulb temperatures. It can datalog manually up to 99 readings with internal memory or continuously up to 32K readings with included software.


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Extech CO260 CO/CO2 Meter

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The Extech CO260 monitors indoor air quality for carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. In high concentrations these gases can affect the health and well-being of people and pets. Monitor CO2 levels in schools, office buildings, greenhouses, factories, hotels, hospitals, transportation lines, and anywhere that high levels of carbon dioxide may be generated. The CO260 also measures air temperature/relative humidity and calculates dew point/wet bulb temperatures. It can datalog manually up to 99 readings with internal memory or continuously up to 32K readings with included software.

Features Extech CO260 CO/CO2 Meter :

  • Manually step through readings of CO, CO₂, Dew Point, Wet Bulb, Air Temperature, and Relative Humidity on large backlit LCD with real time clock
  • Built-in maintenance free NDIR (non-dispersive infrared) CO₂ sensor
  • Programmable CO warning level with audible alarm
  • Calculates statistical weighted averages of TWA (8 hour time weighted average) and STEL (15 minute short term exposure limit)
  • Pressure compensation adjustment for measuring CO₂ at altitudes other than sea level
  • Manually store/recall 99 readings
  • Continuous datalogging up to 32K readings
  • USB interface with PC software for further data analysis
  • Min/Max and Data Hold
  • Auto power off with disable
  • Complete with 4 AA batteries, USB cable, PC software and hard case

Specifications Extech CO260 CO/CO2 Meter :

Specifications Range Resolution Basic Accuracy
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 0 to 1,000ppm 1ppm ±10ppm<100ppm, ±10% 101-500ppm,±20%>500ppm
Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) 0 to 9,999ppm 1ppm ±30ppm+5%reading
Temperature -5 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) 0.1° ±1°F/0.6°C
Humidity 0.1 to 99.9%RH 0.1% ±3%RH
Wet Bulb 23 to 140°F (-5 to 59.9°C) 0.1° Calculated
Dew Point -4 to 140°F (-20 to 59.9°C) 0.1° Calculated
Dimensions/Weight 7.9 x 2.7 x 2.3” (200 x 70 x 57mm)/ 6.7 oz (190g)



Extech CO260 Datasheet

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