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Extech AN510 CMM/CFM Anemometer + Type K

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Extech AN510 CMM/CFM Anemometer + Type K

Extech AN510 CMM/CFM Anemometer + Type K

Convenient 4-in-1 Anemometer measures Air Velocity, Air Flow, Air Temperature, and Type K Temperature. Built-in low friction ball bearing mini vane wheel for high accuracy. The Type K temperature probe function measures surface temperature up to 2372°F (1300°). Features large dual LCD with backlighting, Data Hold, and Min/Max function.


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Extech AN510 CMM/CFM Anemometer + Type K

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4-in-1 Anemometer measures Air Velocity, Air Flow, Air Temperature, and Type K Temperature

Convenient 4-in-1 Anemometer measures Air Velocity, Air Flow, Air Temperature, and Type K Temperature. Built-in low friction ball bearing mini vane wheel for high accuracy. The Type K temperature probe function measures surface temperature up to 2372°F (1300°). Features large dual LCD with backlighting, Data Hold, and Min/Max function.

CMM/CFM Anemometer + Type K
Model : AN510

  • Large LCD displays Air Velocity and Air Temperature, Air Flow, or Type K Temperature reading
  • Replaceable low friction ball bearing mini vane wheel to retain high accuracy
  • Backlit display to view in dimly lit areas
  • Data Hold and Min/Max functions
  • Auto power off with disable
  • Tripod mount (optional TR100 Tripod sold separately)
  • Complete with wrist strap, general purpose Type K bead wire probe, and three AAA batteri

Specification Extech AN510 CMM/CFM Anemometer + Type K :

Air Velocity
ft/min 80 to 3937 ft/min 1ft/min ±3%FS
m/s 0.4 to 20m/s 0.1m/s ±3%FS
km/h 1.4 to 72km/h 0.1km/h ±3%FS
MPH 0.9 to 44.7MPH 0.1MPH ±3%FS
knots 0.8 to 38.8 knots 0.1knots ±3%FS
Air Flow
CFM 0.847 to 1,271,300 0.001CFM
CMM 0.024 to 36,000 0.001CMM
Temperature (Air) 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C) 0.1° ±2.5°F (±1.2°C)
Temperature (Type K) -148°F to 2372°F (-100°C to 1300°C) 0.1° ±(0.4% + 1.8°F); ±(0.4% + 1°C)
Dimensions/ Weight 5.5 x 1.8 x 1.2” (141 x 45 x 20mm)/ 5.6oz (160g)/ Vane Diameter ~1” (27mm)

Video :



Extech AN510 Datasheet

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