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Extech 480403 Motor Rotation and 3-Phase Tester

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Extech 480403 Motor Rotation and 3-Phase Tester

Extech 480403 Motor Rotation and 3-Phase Tester

The Extech 480403 Motor Rotation and 3-Phase Tester has a 40 Volt to 600 Volt rated range for testing phase orientation of 3-phase power sources over a 2 Hz to 400 Hz frequency range. LEDs indicate phase orientation (clockwise or counter-clockwise) and whether each of the phases is live. In addition, it indicates rotation direction of the motor to ensure that it doesn’t get damaged from incorrect wiring. Meter comes complete with cable and three large color coded alligator clips, pouch case, and 9V battery.


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Extech 480403 Motor Rotation and 3-Phase Tester

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The Extech 480403 Motor Rotation and 3-Phase Tester has a 40 Volt to 600 Volt rated range for testing phase orientation of 3-phase power sources over a 2 Hz to 400 Hz frequency range. LEDs indicate phase orientation (clockwise or counter-clockwise) and whether each of the phases is live. In addition, it indicates rotation direction of the motor to ensure that it doesn’t get damaged from incorrect wiring. Meter comes complete with cable and three large color coded alligator clips, pouch case, and 9V battery.

Features Extech 480403 Motor Rotation and 3-Phase Tester :

  • Indicates rotation direction of the motor
  • Determine rotation of a motor without contact
  • Ensures that motor does not get damaged from incorrect wiring
  • 40 to 600VAC rated test range for testing phase orientation of three phase power sources over 2 to 400Hz frequency range
  • LEDs indicate phase orientation (clockwise or counter-clockwise) and whether each of the three phases is live
  • Durable housing is double molded
  • Easy to open alligator clips with wide jaws
  • Complete with cable and three large color coded alligator clips, pouch case, and 9V battery

Specifications Extech 480403 Motor Rotation and 3-Phase Tester :

Specifications Range
Phase Sequence Yes
Voltage 40 to 600V
Frequency 2 to 400Hz
Motor Rotation Yes
Dimensions 5.1×2.7×1.25” (130x69x32mm)
Weight 4.5oz (130g)



Extech 480403 Datasheet

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