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Extech 380396 High Voltage Digital Insulation Tester (220V)

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Extech 380396 High Voltage Digital Insulation Tester (220V)

Extech 380396 High Voltage Digital Insulation Tester (220V)

With the Extech 380396, measure insulation resistance to 60 GΩ with test voltages of 500 V, 1000 V, 2500 V, and 5000 V. It features several measurements including polarization index (PI), dielectric absorption ratio (DAR), and AC/DC voltage to 600 V with a min/max function. It also has peak and relative functions, as well as a 1 to 15 minute timer function for IR measurements. Comes with test leads, eight C batteries, 220 V AC adaptor, heavy duty carrying case, and user manual.


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Extech 380396 High Voltage Digital Insulation Tester (220V)

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With the Extech 380396, measure insulation resistance to 60 GΩ with test voltages of 500 V, 1000 V, 2500 V, and 5000 V. It features several measurements including polarization index (PI), dielectric absorption ratio (DAR), and AC/DC voltage to 600 V with a min/max function. It also has peak and relative functions, as well as a 1 to 15 minute timer function for IR measurements. Comes with test leads, eight C batteries, 220 V AC adaptor, heavy duty carrying case, and user manual.

Features Extech 380396 High Voltage Digital Insulation Tester (220V) :

  • Test Voltages of 500V, 1000V, 2500V, and 5000V
  • Measure Insulation Resistance to 60GOhm
  • Large 6000 count display with bargraph and backlight
  • Polarization Index measurement (PI)
  • Dielectric Absorption Ratio measurement (DAR)
  • AC/DC Voltage measurement from 0 to 600V with Max/Min, Peak and Relative functions
  • 1 to 15 minute timer function for IR measurements
  • Resistance measurement
  • Indication of output voltage and discharge voltage
  • Auto-discharge function and voltage output warning function
  • Autoranging, Auto Power off and battery check
  • Complete with test leads, 8 x C batteries, 220V AC adaptor, and heavy duty carrying case

Specifications Extech 380396 High Voltage Digital Insulation Tester (220V) :

Specifications Range
Test Voltage 500V/1000V/2500V/5000V
Insulation Resistance 0 to 6MΩ , 0 to 60MΩ , 0 to 600MΩ , 0 to 6GΩ , 0 to 60GΩ
Accuracy ±2.5% of reading
AC/DC Voltage 0 to 600V
Accuracy ±1% of reading
Resistance 0 to 600Ω
Accuracy ±1.5% of reading
Continuity 50Ω
Power Eight type C batteries
Dimensions 7.8 x 5.8 x 3.4” (198 x 148 x 86mm)
Weight 3.2lbs (1438g)



Extech 380396 Datasheet

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