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Eutech PH 6+ pH Meter

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Eutech PH 6+ pH Meter

Eutech PH 6+ pH Meter

  • Kalibrasi Multi-Titik (hingga 5 titik) dengan Pengenalan Penyangga Otomatis – pilihan standar penyangga air murni, NIST, atau AS dengan akurasi pH ±0,01
  • Kompensasi Suhu Otomatis (ATC) untuk akurasi tertinggi dalam suhu yang berfluktuasi
  • Fungsi Tahan membekukan pembacaan untuk sementara waktu agar mudah dilihat dan direkam
  • Matikan Daya Otomatis menghemat daya baterai setelah tidak digunakan
  • Diagnostik Mandiri dengan kode pesan untuk pemecahan masalah yang mudah


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Eutech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Eutech PH 6+ pH Meter

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Features Eutech PH 6+ pH Meter :

  • Multi-Point Calibration (up to 5 points) with Auto-Buffer Recognition – choice of USA, NIST or pure water buffer standards with ±0.01 pH accuracy
  • Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) for the highest accuracy under fluctuating temperatures
  • Hold Function momentarily freezes reading for easy viewing and recording
  • Auto-Power Off saves battery power after non-use
  • Self-Diagnostic with message codes for easy troubleshooting
  • Large Custom LCD provides optimum viewing even at a distance
  • Protective Rubber Boot shields meter from accidental knocks and features a sturdy built-in stand for easy bench-top operation
  • Rugged Carrying Case (Optional) provides handy on-site meter calibration and measurement


  • Water Quality Testing
    For analyzing water in pools and spas, lithographic processes, boiler and cooling tower water analysis and all types of quality assurance and water quality testing.
  • Environmental/Agricultural
    Use in ecology studies, aquariums, aquaculture and nutrients levels in hydroponics.
  • Educational
    Ideal for quick, accurate checks in laboratories and schools.

Specifications Eutech PH 6+ pH Meter :

Product Specification Description
pH Range 0.00 to 14.00 pH
Resolution & Accuracy 0.01 pH & ± 0.01 pH
Temperature Range 0 to 100.0 °C
Resolution & Accuracy 0.1 °C & ± 0.5 °C
mV Range -1000 to + 1000 mV
Resolution & Accuracy 1 mV & ± 1 mV
Temperature Compensation Automatic / Manual (0 to 100 °C)
No. of Calibration Points Up to 5 points
pH Buffer Options 1.68, 4.01, 7.00, 10.01, 12.45 (USA)
1.68, 4.01, 6.86, 9.18, 12.45 (NIST)
4.10, 6.97 (Pb)
Special Functions Auto Power-Off after 17 minutes;
Hold & Self-diagnostic messages
Power 4 ‘AAA’ x 1.4V batteries


Order No Item
ECPH601PLUSK Eutech pH 6+ pH Meter with ATC Electrode ECPHTEM01P & pH Carrying Kit Set (Includes 1 x pH 4.01, pH 7.00 Buffer Solutions, Storage Solution & 1 x Deionised (Rinse) Water (60 ml Each)
ECPH601PLUSK Eutech pH 6+ pH Meter with ATC Electrode ECPHTEM01P



Eutech PH 6+ Datasheet

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