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Eutech PCSTestr 35 Multi-Parameter

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Eutech PCSTestr 35 Multi-Parameter

Eutech PCSTestr 35 Multi-Parameter

  • Tidak perlu mengganti sensor setiap kali Anda mengganti parameter – Satu alat uji mengukur lima parameter (mengukur pH, Konduktivitas, TDS, Salinitas, dan Suhu)
  • Pengukuran rentang pH penuh hingga 2 angka desimal
  • Rentang Konduktivitas/ TDS rendah, sedang, dan tinggi – alat uji mengukur air murni!
  • Pengukuran Salinitas multi-rentang hingga 10,00 ppt atau 1,00%
  • Kalibrasi pH hingga 5 titik dan kalibrasi Konduktivitas/ TDS/ Salinitas 3 titik
  • Faktor TDS yang dapat disesuaikan (0,40 hingga 1,00) dan Fitur Koefisien Suhu (0,0 hingga 10,0%)


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Eutech PCSTestr 35 Multi-Parameter

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Features Eutech PCSTestr 35 Multi-Parameter :

  • No need to change sensor every time you switch parameters – One tester measures five parameters (measures pH, Conductivity, TDS, Salinity and Temperature)
  • Full pH range measurement at up to 2-decimal places
  • Low, medium and high Conductivity/ TDS ranges – tester measures pure water!
  • Multi-range Salinity measurements of up to 10.00 ppt or 1.00 %
  • Up to 5-point pH calibration and 3-point Conductivity/ TDS/ Salinity calibration
  • Adjustable TDS factor (0.40 to 1.00) and Temperature Coefficient Feature (0.0 to 10.0%)
  • Temperature sensor housed within unique dome-shaped casing for faster ATC response and faster measurements
  • ATC/ MTC option
  • Scroll-menu with four buttons control for stress-free navigation
  • Longest-lasting tester in the market! No tools required to replace sensor
  • “One-press Parameter Toggle”: Switching parameters is just a press of the button
  • Certified IP67 Waterproof – Lightweight tester even floats for easy retrieval


  • General
    Ideal for quick and accurate pH checks in pools and spas, aquariums and hydroponics operations, or anywhere frequent pH testing is required. pHTestr 30 meets requirements for many standard environmental and ASTM test methods
  • Industrial
    Use for cooling towers, food processing water testing and process/wastewater testing in metal finishing, photo development, printing and chemical industries.
  • Educational
    Useful in schools, many laboratory applications and ecology studies.

Specifications Eutech PCSTestr 35 Multi-Parameter :

Product Specification Description
pH Range 0.00 to 14.00 pH
Resolution 0.01 pH
Accuracy ±0.01 pH
pH Calibration Points Up to 5 (Auto)
pH Buffer Options USA, NIST
Conductivity Range to 199.9 µS/cm
200 to 1999 µS/cm
2.00 to 20.00 mS/cm
Resolution 0.1 µS/cm
1 µS/cm
0.01 mS/cm
Accuracy ±1% Full Scale
Conductivity Calibration Points 3 Auto
3 Manual
Normalization Temperature 25.0 °C
Temperature Coefficient 0.0 to 10.0%/°C
Auto-Ranging Yes
TDS Range 0.0 to 99.9 ppm
100 to 999 ppm
1.00 to 10.00 ppt
Resolution 0.1 ppm / 1 ppm / 0.01 ppt
Accuracy 1 % Full Scale
TDS Calibration Points Up to 3 Points (Manual)
TDS Factor 0.40 to 1.00
Salinity Range 0.0 to 99.9 ppm
100 to 999 ppm
1.00 to 10.00 ppt
0.0 to 1.00 %
Resolution 0.1 ppm / 1 ppm / 0.01 ppt / 0.01%
Accuracy 1 % Full Scale
Salinity Calibration Points Up to 3 (Manual)
Temperature Range 0.0 to 50.0 °C / 32.0 to 120.0 °F
Resolution 0.1 °C/°F
Accuracy ±0.5°C/ ±0.9°F
Temperature Compensation ATC / MTC
Non-Volatile Memory Yes
Auto-Off 8.5 mins after last key pressed (can be disabled)
LCD Display Dual-display LCD (2.1 x 2.7cm)
Power 4 X 1.5 V “A76” Micro alkaline batteries
Batter Life > 150 hours
Dimensions; Weight Boxed: 18.5 cm x 6.5 cm x 5 cm; 200 g

Order Information

Order No Item
PCSTEST35 Waterproof PCSTestr 35
PCSENSOR Replacement sensor for waterproof PCSTestr 35



Eutech PCSTestr 35 Datasheet

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