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Eutech PC 2700 Benchtop Multi-Parameter

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Eutech PC 2700 Benchtop Multi-Parameter

Eutech PC 2700 Benchtop Multi-Parameter

PC 2700 yang baru akurat, andal, dan intuitif dengan fungsi yang mudah digunakan. Alat ukur ini dilengkapi dengan layar multi-data yang mencakup Suhu, status elektroda, titik kalibrasi, tanggal dan waktu beserta parameter pengukuran yang Anda inginkan. PC 2700 mengukur pH, ORP, ION, Konduktivitas, TDS, Salinitas, atau Resistivitas.

  • Kalibrasi hingga 6 titik dengan pengenalan buffer otomatis
  • Fungsi pencatatan otomatis untuk pemantauan berkelanjutan yang mudah
  • Perlindungan kata sandi untuk pengaturan dan kalibrasi


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Eutech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Eutech PC 2700 Benchtop Multi-Parameter

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Your all-in-one solution for multi-parameter research work in the lab! The new PC 2700 is accurate, reliable and intuitive with user-friendly functions. Meter comes with a multi-data screen that includes Temperature, electrode status, calibration points, date and time along with your desired measurement parameter. PC 2700 measures pH, ORP, ION, Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, or Resistivity.

Features Eutech PC 2700 Benchtop Multi-Parameter :

  • Choose auto-calibration with preset values for quick easy calibration, or manual multi-point calibration for greater accuracy
  • Easy standardization with auto-standardization feature – detect the exact cell constant value of your electrodes with the press of a button
  • Up to 6-point calibration with auto-buffer recognition
  • Includes high performance 4-cell Conductivity probe
  • Quick, easy electrode diagnosis with the effective cell constants display
  • Non-volatile memory holds up to 500 data points – time and date-stamped for GLP compliance
  • Bi-directional RS232 for easy data transfer to computer
  • Cal-due alarm – no more out-dated calibrations!
  • Auto-logging function for convenient continuous monitoring
  • Limit alarm alerts when reading falls out of range
  • Password protection for setup and calibration


  • Water quality testing
  • Checking metal finishes
  • Solutions
  • Cooling tower water
  • Printing fountain solutions
  • Boiler water
  • Brines
  • Drilling mud
  • Rinse tanks
  • Ponds
  • Pollution control
  • Recirculating systems
  • Waste water
  • Industrial process systems
  • General use in laboratories
  • Titration
  • Quality assurance
  • Ecological studies
  • Food-processing

Specifications Eutech PC 2700 Benchtop Multi-Parameter :

Product Specification Description
Range -2.000 to 20.000 pH
Resolution 0.1 / 0.01 / 0.001 pH
Accuracy ±0.002 pH + 1 LSD
Cal. Points Up to 6 preset or 5 custom
Buffer Sets USA, NIST, DIN, User 1, User 2, Custom
Range ±2000.0 mV
Rel. mV Range ±2000.0 mV
Resolution 0.1 mV
Accuracy ±0.2 mV
Concentration 0.001 to 19999 ppm (±2000 mV)
Resolution 2 or 3 digits
Accuracy 0.5 % full scale (monovalent) ;
1 % full scale (divalent)
Cal. Points 2 to 8
Range 0.050 µS to 500.0 mS
Resolution 0.01 / 0.1 µS ; 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1 mS
Accuracy ±1 % full scale
Cal. Points Up to 5
Cell Constant 0.010 to 10.000
Range (Depending On TDS Factor) 0.050 ppm to 500 ppt (@ TDS factor 1.00)
Resolution 0.01 / 0.1 ppm ; 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1 ppt
Accuracy ±1 % full scale
Cal. Points Up to 5
Range 0.0 to 80.0 ppt
Resolution 0.01 / 0.1 ppm ; 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1 ppt
Accuracy ±1 % full scale
Range 2.000 Ohm to 20.0 MOhm
Resolution 0.01 / 0.1 Ohm ; 0.001 / 0.1 kOhm ; 0.01 MOhm
Accuracy ±1 % full scale
Range (Meter) 0.0 to 100.0 ºC / 32.0 to 212.0 ºF
Resolution 0.1 ºC / 0.1 ºF
Accuracy ±0.3 ºC / ±0.5 ºF
Coefficient (Per ?C) Linear & pure ; 0.000 to 10.000 %
Normalization 15.0 to 30.0 ºC / 59.0 to 86.0 ºF
Compensation ATC / MTC
Power Requirements 9 V DC adapter, 1.3 A (100/240 VAC, SMPS)

Order Information

Order No Item
ECPC270043S Eutech PC 2700 Meter With pH Electrode (ECFG7370101B), Conductivity Probe (CONSEN9201D)
& pH Electrode Refill Solution, 60 mL



Eutech PC 2700 Datasheet

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