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Eutech CyberScan PC650 Multi-Parameter

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Eutech CyberScan PC650 Multi-Parameter

Eutech CyberScan PC650 Multi-Parameter

  • Mengukur dan menampilkan tiga parameter secara bersamaan
  • ±1% akurasi skala penuh pada resolusi 3 desimal di seluruh rentang pengukuran yang luas
  • Kemampuan pengukuran ion dengan resolusi 3 digit
  • Tahan air dan berperingkat IP67 untuk aplikasi di lingkungan yang keras
  • Pesan cepat yang mudah dipahami untuk pengaturan, kalibrasi, dan pemecahan masalah yang mudah
  • Hasil bacaan yang direkam diberi cap waktu dan tanggal secara individual dalam format yang sesuai dengan GLP


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Eutech CyberScan PC650 Multi-Parameter

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Combining two of the most popular electrochemistry parameters, Eutech CyberScan PC650 allows you to measure pH, conductivity and temperature with one handheld, at the same time.

Features Eutech CyberScan PC650 Multi-Parameter :

  • Simultaneously measures and displays three parameters
  • ±1% full scale accuracy at 3-decimal resolution across a wide measurement range
  • Ion-measurement capabilities with 3-digit resolution
  • Accepts two-cell and four-cell conductivity probe to measure up to 500 m/s — meter measures pure water!
  • Selectable multi-point calibration for more accurate conductivity measurements or single-point calibration for quick, convenient calibration with no mistakes
  • One-Glance-Tells-All Screen Display with Backlight
    Electrode status report, calibration data and simultaneous display of up to 4 parameters
  • Rugged and IP67-rated waterproof for applications in harsh environments. Meter floats on water!
  • Easy-to-understand prompt messages for easy set-up, calibration and trouble-shooting
  • Recorded readings individually stamped with time and date in GLP compliant format
  • Auto-logging meter saves readings automatically within seconds to prevent data loss
  • HI-LO limit alarm for easy quality control – Meter alerts when readings fall outside selected ranges
  • Wireless Information Technology: No wires, no cables—Transfer data from meter to computer with the press of a button
  • Non-Volatile Memory protects information and meter settings, even when batteries run out
  • Four Levels of Password Protection prevents tampering or accidental data deletion
  • Calibration Alarm: No more out-dated calibration settings


  • Environmental
    Test water quality, monitor health of aquatic ecosystems, survey surface and ground water drinking supplies, and meet EPA regulations.
  • Water Quality Testing
    For analyzing water hard water, untreated water, drinking water, effluent water, pool water and incoming process water. Ideal for all types of quality assurance and water quality testing.
  • Industrial
    For checking metal finishing, cooling tower water, printing fountain solutions, boiler water, brines, rinse tanks, ponds, pollution control, recirculating systems, waste water and industrial process systems. Useful for food analysis and quality assurance testing.
  • Aquaculture
    Use to monitor oxygen levels in catfish and shrimp farming; game stocking ponds; ornamental fish tanks and ponds; and other fish farming applications.

Specifications Eutech CyberScan PC650 Multi-Parameter :

Product Specification Description
pH Range -2.000 to 20.000 pH
Resolution & Accuracy 0.1/0.01/0.001 pH & ±0.002 pH
No. of pH Calibration Points 1 (Offset) to 6 points
pH Buffer Options USA, NIST, DIN, PWB, Custom
mV Range ±2000.0 mV
Resolution & Accuracy 0.1 mV & ±0.2 mV
Ion Concentration Range 0.001 to 19900
Resolution & Accuracy 2 or 3 digits & ±0.5% FS (mono); 1% FS (div)
No. of Ion Calibration Pts Up to 8
Conductivity Range to 500 mS/cm
Resolution & Accuracy 0.05% FS & ±1% FS + 1 LSD
Cell Constant 0.010 to 10.000
Temperature Coefficient Linear & Pure
TDS Range to 500.0 ppt
Resolution & Accuracy 0.05% FS & ±1% FS +1 LSD
Salinity Range 0 to 80 ppt
Resolution & Accuracy 0.05% FS & ±1% FS +1 LSD
Temperature Range -10.0 to 110.0 °C / 14.0 to 230.0 °F (Meter)
Resolution & Accuracy 0.1 °C/°F & ±0.5°C/ ±0.9°F
Temperature Compensation Automatic / Manual (0 to 100 °C)
Memory 500 Data Sets with Date/Time stamping &
Security password protection
Output IrDA Wireless Communications
Display Multi-data Back-lit dot matrix; 7.2 cm (H) X 5.4 cm (W)
Special Functions Auto-Calibration; Data-logging options with time/date indexed, GLP compliance; Simultaneous Display and measurement of 4 parameters; Cal-due alarm; pH slope/offset Display & Self-diagnostic
Power 4 X 1.5 V “AA” Alkaline batteries or 9 V DC adapter, 500 mA

Order Information

Order No Stock Code Item
ECPCWP65043K 01X430602 Waterproof CyberScan PC 650 pH/ mV/ Ion/ Conductivity/ TDS/ Resistivity/ Salinity handheld meter with pH electrode ECFC252203B, 4-cell Conductivity probe, DAS software, power adapter & carrying kit set (all probes comes with 3m long cable.)



Eutech CyberScan 600 Series Datasheet

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