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Eutech COND 6+ Portable Conductivity Meter

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Eutech COND 6+ Portable Conductivity Meter

Eutech COND 6+ Portable Conductivity Meter

  • Kalibrasi Tombol Tekan Multi-Titik (hingga 5 titik) dengan akurasi skala penuh ±1%
  • Pilihan kalibrasi otomatis yang cepat dan mudah atau kalibrasi manual yang disesuaikan dan mendekati sampel
  • Pengukuran Rentang Otomatis untuk pengukuran Konduktivitas/TDS untuk respons cepat dan resolusi terbaik pada rentang pengukuran yang luas
  • Kompensasi Suhu Otomatis (ATC) untuk akurasi optimal pada suhu yang berfluktuasi
  • Fungsi Tahan menghentikan pembacaan untuk sementara waktu agar mudah dilihat


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Eutech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Eutech COND 6+ Portable Conductivity Meter

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Features Eutech COND 6+ Portable Conductivity Meter :

  • Multi-Point Push-button Calibration (up to 5 points) with ±1% full scale accuracy
  • Option of quick, easy automatic calibration or customised, near-to-sample manual calibration
  • Auto-Ranging for Conductivity/TDS measurements for fast response and best resolution over wide measurement range
  • Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) for the optimum accuracy under fluctuating temperatures
  • Hold Function momentarily freezes reading for easy viewing
  • Auto-Power Off saves battery power after non-use
  • Self-Diagnostic with message codes for easy troubleshooting
  • Large Custom LCD provides optimum viewing even at a distance
  • Electrode with Built-in ATC designed for minimal air bubble entrapment during measurement
  • Protective Rubber Boot shields meter from drops and features a sturdy built-in stand for easy bench-top operation
  • Meter Kit (Optional) – contains everything you need for calibration and measurement in a rugged carrying case


  • Routine Testing
    For quick, accurate conductivity or TDS checks in laboratories, field and schools.
  • Environmental/Agricultural
    Useful in nutrient and fertilizer checks in hydroponics and agricultural industries.
  • Water Quality Testing
    For analyzing water hard water, untreated water, industrial and rinse water, drinking water, effluent water, pool water and incoming process water. Ideal for all types of quality assurance, printing industries and water quality testing.

Specifications Eutech COND 6+ Portable Conductivity Meter :

Product Specification Description
Conductivity Range to 19.99 uS/cm
19.9 uS/cm to 199.9 uS/cm
199.9 uS/cm to 1999 µS/cm
2.00 mS/cm to 19.99 mS/cm
20.0 mS/cm to 199.9 mS/cm
Resolution & Accuracy 0.05% full scale & ±1% full scale + 1 LSD
Calibration Points 4 (1 per range) auto; 5 (1 per range) manual
Temperature Range 0 to 80.0 °C (32 to 176 °F)
Resolution & Accuracy 0.1 °C (0.1 °F) & ±0.5 °C (±0.9 °F)
Temperature Compensation Automatic / Manual (0 to 80 °C)
Cell Constant 0.1, 1.0, 10.0 (selectable)
Temperature Coefficient 0.0% to 3.0%
Temperature Normalisation 20.0 to 25.0 °C
No. of Calibration Points Up to 5 max. (1 per range)
Special Functions Auto Power-off after 17 minutes;
Hold & Self-diagnostic messages
Power 4 ‘AAA’ x 1.4V batteries; >100 hours

Order Information

Order No Item
ECCON603PLUSK Eutech Cond 6+ Conductivity Meter with Electrode ECCONSEN91B & Conductivity Carrying Kit (Includes 1 x 1413 uS, 12.88 mS, 84 uS KCl Standard Solution and 1x Deionised (Rinse) Water (60ml Each)
ECCON603PLUS Eutech Cond 6+ Conductivity Meter with Electrode ECCONSEN91B



Eutech COND 6+ Datasheet

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