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Eutech CON 150 Conductivity / Total Dissolved Solids / Temperature

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Eutech CON 150 Conductivity / Total Dissolved Solids / Temperature

Eutech CON 150 Conductivity / Total Dissolved Solids / Temperature

  • LCD tiga baris besar – Melihat pengukuran konduktivitas atau TDS beserta suhu dan efisiensi sel
  • Fungsi memori internal – Menyimpan hingga 150 pengukuran beserta suhu
  • Koefisien suhu yang dapat disesuaikan – Diatur ke 0,0% untuk memenuhi metode USP untuk pengukuran tanpa kompensasi
  • Daya dengan baterai AA atau gunakan adaptor AC opsional
  • Kalibrasi menggunakan standar yang dikenali secara otomatis atau secara manual; ke satu titik di semua rentang atau ke beberapa titik (satu titik kalibrasi per setiap rentang konduktivitas)


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Eutech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Eutech CON 150 Conductivity / Total Dissolved Solids / Temperature

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Eutech products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

Features Eutech CON 150 Conductivity / Total Dissolved Solids / Temperature :

  • Large, three line LCD – View conductivity or TDS measurement with temperature as well as cell efficiency
  • Built-in memory function – Stores up to 150 measurements along with temperature
  • Adjustable temperature coeffi cient – Set to 0.0 % to meet USP methods for non-compensated measurements
  • Power with AA batteries or use optional AC adapter
  • Calibrate using automatically recognized standards or manually; to a single point across all ranges or to multiple points (one calibration point per each conductivity range)
  • Calibration due alarm – Set a visible reminder when it is time to recalibrate the meter
  • Accepts probes with a 0.1, 1.0, or 10 cell constant
  • Adjustable conductivity-to-TDS conversion factor – From 0.4 to 1.0
  • Selectable manual or automatic temperature compensation (ATC) – For the highest accuracy in any situation
  • Selectable ºF/ºC – Choose units to best fit your application
  • Ready indicator, manual or automatic measurement hold feature and optional automatic shutoff function
  • Includes our easy to clean conductivity cell
  • Built-in stand – For easy benchtop or long-term use
  • Wall-mount option – Ideal to save bench space
  • Innovative Grip-Clip™ – Quickly and easily secures the probe to your beaker or container

Specifications Eutech CON 150 Conductivity / Total Dissolved Solids / Temperature :

Product Specification Description
Range 0 to 200 mS
Resolution 0.01 µS to 0.1 mS
Accuracy ±1 % full scale
Calibration Auto/manual; 1 point/range
Range 0 to 200 ppt (TDS factor 1.0)
Resolution 0.01 ppm to 0.1 ppt
Accuracy ±1 % full scale
Calibration Manual; 1 point/range
Range -10.0 to 110.0 ºC (14.0 to 230.0 ºF)
Resolution 0.1 ºC/ºF
Accuracy ±0.5 ºC; ±0.9 ºF
Calibration Off set in 0.1 increments, ±10 ºC or ±18 ºF
Display Three line custom LCD
Temperature Compensation Automatic or manual from -10 to 110 ºC
Temperature Coefficient 0.0 to 10.0 %/ºC
Memory Stores up to 150 data sets
Power Two AA batteries (included), >500 hours continuous use; AC adapter (optional)
Dimensions (L x W x H) Meter: 7 7/8″ x 3 1/8″ x 2 1/4″ (20 x 8.3 x 5.7 cm)
Boxed: 9 1/8″ x 9 1/8″ x 2 3/4″ (23 x 23 x 7 cm)
Weight Meter: 1 lb (0.5 kg)
Boxed: 1.4 lb (0.7 kg)



Eutech CON 150 Datasheet

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