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ETCR035AD Clamp AC/DC Current Sensor

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ETCR035AD Clamp AC/DC Current Sensor

ETCR035AD Clamp AC/DC Current Sensor

Sensor Arus AC/DC Clamp ETCR035AD dirancang khusus untuk menguji arus dan kebocoran sirkuit di bawah AC/DC600, dengan ukuran kecil, akurasi tinggi, dan stabilitas baik. Sensor ini banyak digunakan dalam pengukuran kebocoran arus AC, arus, daya, dan energi dengan presisi tinggi dan kesalahan fase kecil pada kelistrikan, komunikasi, meteorologi, kereta api, ladang minyak, konstruksi, pengukuran, unit pengajaran ilmiah dan penelitian, perusahaan industri dan pertambangan, yang dapat dihubungkan ke berbagai multimeter digital presisi tinggi dan perekam data.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung ETCR Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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ETCR035AD Clamp AC/DC Current Sensor

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ETCR035AD Clamp AC/DC Current Sensor is specially designed to test current and leakage of circuit below AC/DC600, with small size, high accuracy, good stability. It is widely applied in AC current leakage, current, power and energy measurement with high precision and small phase error of electricity, communications, meteorology, railway, oilfield, construction, measurement, scientific and research teaching unit, industrial and mining enterprises, which can be connected to a variety of high precision digital multi-meter and data recorder.

Specifications ETCR035AD Clamp AC/DC Current Sensor :

Function AC/DC current detection
Power Supply Battery, 6LR61 9VDC (can connect external power supply)
Test model Clamp CT, Non contact measurement, non-exposure of meter of the jaw
Dimension 185mm×70mm×38mm
Clamp Size 30mm×35mm
AC Frequency 45~400Hz
Range AC/DC 0.0A~1000A
Resolution 0.1A
Accuracy 2%(23?±3?,below 70%RH)
Output 1mV/A
Frequency Response 10KHz(-3dB)
Zero-Adjustment Yes
Lead length 2m
Wire Position Detected wire should be put on the centre of the jaw
Circuit Voltage Lower than AC600V
Power on/off Push ON/OFF key
Auto Power-off 5 Minutes after power on, it will power off automatically to lower the power consumption
Battery Voltage Indicating the battery voltage is lower then 7.2V.Then the battery have to be changed
Weight 180g(including the battery)
Consumption 10mW
Auto Power-off 5 Minutes after power on, it will power off automatically to lower the power consumption
Working environment -20?~50?;below 80%rh
Storage environment -10?~60?;below 70%rh
Max error refer to environment -10?~0? or 40?~50?,Error will increase max to 1%rdg
Insulation strength AC2kV/rms (between core and shell)
Safety rules IEC1010-1, IEC1010-2-032, Pollution degree 2?CAT ?(600V)
Accessary Sensor:1PC; Battery (6F22 9V): 1PC



ETCR035AD Datasheet

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