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Elitech TI-1S NFC Temperature Label Disposable

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Elitech TI-1S NFC Temperature Label Disposable

Elitech TI-1S NFC Temperature Label Disposable

TI-1S adalah stiker suhu dengan fungsi komunikasi NFC, terutama digunakan dalam ilmu hayati, agen biologis, rantai makanan dingin, instrumen presisi, dan skenario aplikasi lainnya. Produk ini tipis dan kecil, sederhana, andal, serta mudah dinyalakan dan dimatikan. Produk ini sangat cocok untuk produk kemasan terkecil.

  • Rentang Pengukuran Suhu -30℃~60℃
  • Akurasi ±0,5℃(-20℃~40℃),±1℃(lainnya)
  • Sensor NTC Terintegrasi
  • Mudah dinyalakan dan dimatikan dengan cara merusak stiker di bagian atas/bawah
  • Kecil dan ringan, sehingga mudah dipasang dengan kemasan apa pun


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Elitech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Elitech TI-1S NFC Temperature Label Disposable

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TI-1S is a temperature sticker with NFC communication function, mainly used in life sciences, biological agents, cold chain food, precision instruments and other application scenarios. This product is thin and small, simple, reliable, and easy to start and stop. It is especially suitable for the smallest packaged products. Supports reading important data during monitoring via handheld terminals such as mobile phones with NFC function, and long battery life to ensure data monitoring during the entire use process.

Features Elitech TI-1S NFC Temperature Label Disposable :

  • Easy to start and stop by breaking the sticker on top/bottom
  • Fast transfer and view reports on your Android device’s free app (Phone or Tablet) using NFC
  • Small and light, so it is convenient to install with any package
  • 2 year battery life, provides temperature recording on all shipments
  • Trusted in life sciences, biological agents, cold chain foods, precision instruments and other applications

Specifications Elitech TI-1S NFC Temperature Label Disposable :

Temperature Measuring Range -30℃~60℃
Accuracy ±0.5℃(-20℃~40℃),±1℃(others)
Sensor Built-in NTC
Sampling Interval 1min~24h
Start Delay 1min~24h
Start Mode  Start by breaking the upper sticker
Stop Mode Stop by breaking the lower sticker
Alarm Threshold 1 high limit and 1 low limit
Alarm Type Single, Cumulative
Data Interface NFC
Battery Life 2 years
Protection IP54
Weight 10g
Dimensions 34mm*48mm*4.5mm



Elitech TI-1S Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Elitech Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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