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Elitech GSP-6 Humidity & Temperature Data Logger

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Elitech GSP-6 Humidity & Temperature Data Logger

Elitech GSP-6 Humidity & Temperature Data Logger

Pencatat data Elitech GPS-6 terutama digunakan untuk merekam suhu dan kelembapan makanan, farmasi, dan bahan kimia, dll. Alat ini dapat digunakan secara luas di setiap tautan dalam penyimpanan dan logistik rantai dingin, seperti kontainer berpendingin, truk pendingin, tas pendingin, lemari pendingin, lemari obat, penyimpanan dingin, laboratorium, dll.

  • Interval perekaman: 10 detik~24 jam yang diatur terus-menerus
  • Kisaran pengukuran suhu: -40 ℃~85 ℃ (-40°F~185°F)
  • Akurasi suhu: ±0,5 ℃(-20 ℃~40 ℃;±1 ℃(lainnya)


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Elitech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Elitech GSP-6 Humidity & Temperature Data Logger

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Elitech GPS-6 data logger is mainly used to record the temperature and humidity of food, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals, etc. It is widely applicable to each link in the storage and logistics of the cold chain, such as refrigerated containers, refrigerator trucks, cooler bags, cooler cabinets, medicine cabinets, cold storage, laboratory, etc.

It can also automatically shorten the recording interval in case of an over-temperature and humidity limit. It will buzzer and the red indicator will flash if it is over the limit.

When you first use the data logger, please install our free data-management software. Once you connect it to your Win/Mac system, the log interval, C/F temperature unit (showed both on report and screen), alarm limits can be adjusted via the USB cable. In addition, data could be saved, graphed, exported, and in Excel/PDF format.

Elitech Digital Temperature Data Logger Vaccine Transport & Storage System

Features Elitech GSP-6 Humidity & Temperature Data Logger :

  • 【Easy to View Key Information】Temperature and humidity readings, alarm status, logging points are easily recorded via the large LCD screen.
  • 【Multi-Alarm notifications】Audible and Visual Alarm help you find the abnormal cases in time.
  • 【Easy to Operate】Two pieces of built-in magnets make the device adsorbed on the sidewall of the refrigerator while the probes put inside of the refrigerator
  • 【3 Different Measuring Types】3 different temperature-humidity measuring types: Temp & Temp, Temp & Humidity or Humidity only, easily set up on ElitechLog software.
  • 【Max/Min Value Display, 2-Year Certificate】Max and Min temperature and humidity value are displayed on the LCD screen of the device and PDF report.
  • 【Ultra Low-temperature Probe Available】Wide measuring range:85℃~150℃/-121℉~302℉. Works above Firmware version V2.8.
  • 1-year warranty.

Specifications Elitech GSP-6 Humidity & Temperature Data Logger

  • Record interval: 10 sec~24 hours continuously set
  • Battery life: two years at room temperature with 15 minutes record interval and buzzer alarm disabled
  • power supply: single-use 3.6 V lithium battery
  • Temperature measuring range: -40 ℃~85 ℃ (-40°F~185°F)
  • Temperature accuracy: ±0.5 ℃(-20 ℃~40 ℃;±1 ℃(other)
  • Humidity range: 10 %~99 % Humidity accuracy: ±3 % RH (25 ℃, 20%~90% RH); ±5% RH(other)
  • Resolution: temperature 0.1 ℃, humidity 0.1 % RH
  • Operating temperature: -30 ℃~70 ℃

Elitech GSP-6 GSP-6G Digital Temperature Humidity Data Logger

Mac/Win Supported Software

Please download the software here. Plug your device into your computer, go to Parameter to setup, including the device time, C/F temperature unit, logging interval, and alarm upper/lower limit. Go to Graph to see the data graph and click Export Data to get the data report in PDF/XLS formats.

Sensor Type Temperature Probe Temperature-Humidity Probe
Temp(Probe T) + Humi(Probe H) detecting temperature detecting humidity
Temp(Probe T) + Temp(Probe H) detecting temperature detecting temperature
Temp+Humi(Probe H only) Non-use temperature and humidity

Error Code Meaning

Elitech GSP-6 Traceable Temperature Data Logger Error Code Meaning

Multi-use Data Logger

  • Conforms to GSP standard of the new edition.
  • Two modes to save data: full record stop and circular logging.
  • Over limit sound-light alarm.
  • Two pieces of built-in magnets.
  • An external temperature sensor and an external temperature-humidity sensor.
  • Record capacity: 16000 points (max).



Elitech GSP-6 Datasheet

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