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Dynamica Halo MPR-96 Microplate Instrumentation

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Dynamica Halo MPR-96 Microplate Instrumentation

Halo MPR-96 juga hadir standar dengan pilihan fungsi on-board yang komprehensif untuk keserbagunaan dan kesesuaian untuk banyak aplikasi analitik dan biologis. Gunakan baik dalam mode berdiri sendiri atau sambungkan ke PC untuk memaksimalkan fleksibilitas. ‘Built Lab Tough’ mendefinisikan kebijakan Dynamica untuk merekayasa dan membangun instrumentasi ilmiah ke tingkat kualitas, kinerja, ketahanan, dan daya tahan tertinggi.

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Dynamica Halo MPR-96 Microplate Instrumentation – Catalog

Dynamica Halo MPR-96 Microplate Instrumentation

The Halo MPR-96 also comes standard with a comprehensive selection of on-board functions for versatility and suitability to many analytical and biological applications. Use either in stand alone mode or connect to a PC to maximize fl exibility. ‘Built Lab Tough’ defines Dynamica’s policy to engineer and build scientific instrumentation to the highest levels of quality, performance, resilience and durability.

Superior Performance

The Halo MPR-96 boasts a market leading absorbance range between 0 – 4 OD which is further complemented by linearity of ±1% up to 2.5 OD (405nm). The excellent measurement uniformity across all wells is matched by an intraand inter-plate variation of ±0.010 OD (405nm, 0-2 OD) for maximum accuracy and reproducibility. Other specifications include 8 measurement channels and 1 reference channel to expedite processing coupled with a swift read time of 10 seconds per 96 wells thus ensuring reliable data during kinetic analyses. An optional calibration plate can also be employed to certify various regulatory compliances or validate other practices such as precision assurance.

Exceptional Wavelength Range

The flexible filter based system allows for measurements within a spectrum range from 400nm through to a maximum of 750nm. Model MPR-96UV extends the measurement to 340nm UV range. Additionally, the large selection of interference filters caters for the most common and critical wavelengths. Up to 5 interference filters can be mounted on the carousel which is easily accessible for effortless and quick replacement of filters if the need arises.

Versatile by Nature

The exceptional capability of the Halo MPR-96 imparts the flexibility to perform the simplest of functions such as the generation of raw data and qualitative evaluations through to more complex functions involving kinetics and curve fits (select from linear, point to point, quadric, cubic or logistic types). The Halo MPR-96 accepts 96 well microplates in flat bottom as well as U and V shaped configurations. The unit can also be automated for high throughput by integrating compatible robotic handling systems.

Diverse Range of Measurement

Modes Select from ‘Fast’ mode when quick measurement is required (for example screening applications) to ‘Accurate’ mode when high resolution is necessary.
Other modes include:

  • ‘Centre Measurement’ to detect small samples with a non-linear surface.
  • Single or dual wavelengths.
  • Plate shaking (4 speeds, linear motion) before measurement or in-between cycles (for example during kinetic analyses).

User friendly operation and information rich LCD display

The 90mm x 68mm, backlit LCD screen with adjustable brightness control is suffi ciently large to display a comprehensive array of data even in a graphical format, for example up to 48 wells i.e. half of a 96 well plate can be displayed concurrently with the added capability to zoom in on specifi c data points. Other displayed parameters in addition to measurement results include operation prompts, plate layout and historical data. The seamless and chemical resistant keypad is designed for easy and quick selection of the navigation and function features when in stand alone mode whilst simultaneously protecting against any laboratory spills.

Validation Functions

To ensure optimum instrument performance, a self-diagnostic function incorporating a number of parameters is executed each time the Halo MPR-96 is switched on.

Stand Alone Or PC Operation

The Halo MPR-96 is fully equipped and capable of executing all functions in stand alone mode. Simply connect a compatible printer to the USB port for the direct printout of plate data, reports and graphs (please visit our website for updated list of printers). For more advanced functions, analyses and reporting, the Halo MPR-96 can also be connected via USB ports to a PC (preferred with Windows® XP™ Pro operating system) for direct control with the optional software.

On-Board Storage Data

The Halo MPR-96 (in stand alone mode) boasts on-board fl ash memory for the storage of up to 30 test programs and up to 50 sets of plate measurement data. Programs and measurement data can easily be recalled, edited and deleted. Furthermore, plate measurement data can be readily downloaded to USB2.0 supported external memory devices (for example memory sticks or external harddisks) for transfer and further processing to a computer supporting commercial spreadsheets (such as Microsoft® Excel™).

Temperature Control

The optional peltier regulated module allows for temperature control within a range of ambient +4°C to +50°C (±0.5°C precision) with excellent temperature uniformity among wells and is suitable for applications requiring incubation and/ or maintenance of a sample at a constant temperature for example during kinetic analyses,.

Other Features

The microplate tray smoothly and effortlessly slides out and slides in to facilitate the loading and measurement of microplates. The durable motor ensures consistent and long-lasting operation. The microplate tray can be operated in both stand alone and PC control modes. The halogen lamp features long life stability and can also be easily accessed and changed within minute

Specifications Dynamica Halo MPR-96 Microplate Instrumentation :

Wavelength Range 400nm -750nm (340-750nm for MPR-96 UV
Photometric Range Absorbance: 0 to +4.0 OD
Resolution 0.001 OD
Stability ±0.001 OD (15 minutes after start up)
Accuracy Better than ±1.0% ±0.01 OD (405nm, 0.000 – 2.500 OD)
Better than ±2.0% ±0.01 OD (405nm, 2.500 – 3.000 OD)
Repeatability Better than ±0.5% ±0.005 OD (405nm, 0.000 – 2.500 OD)
Better than ±1.5% ±0.005 OD (405nm, 2.500 – 3.000 OD)
Linearity Better than ±1.0% (405nm, 0.000 – 2.500 OD) Better than ±2.0% (405nm, 2.500 – 3.000 OD)
Filter Capacity 5 position [4 standard (405nm, 450nm, 492nm, 620nm) + 1 optional (between 400nm to 750nm)]
Reading Speed Single wavelength, fast mode, 96 well: ≤10 seconds
Dual wavelength, fast mode, 96 well: ≤15 seconds
Plate Types 96 well with fl at, U or V shape bottom
Optical System 8 measurement channels, 1 reference channel
Detector Silicon Photodiodes
Light Source Halogen (WI) Lamp
Display Back-lit LCD 90(W) x 68(H) mm: Resolution 320×240 pixels.
Shaking Linear, 4 speed selectable
Temperature Control (optional) Ambient +4°C to +50°C
Temperature Accuracy (optional) ±0.5°C
Printer Interface Connection USB interface
Printer Language Support PCL – 5 or above
External Storage USB flash drive
Dimensions 290(W) x 425(D) x 200(H) mm
Net Weight 15Kg
Gross Weight 20Kg
Power Requirements 110 – 220 V auto switching, 50/60Hz
Power Consumption 50W (standby), 100W (operation)



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