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Dynamica GelView Master Standard

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Dynamica GelView Master Standard

Seri GelView Master dirancang agar mudah digunakan, dibangun di atas teknologi canggih dan fitur unik.

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Dynamica GelView Master Standard – Catalog

Dynamica GelView Master Standard

GelView Master series is designed to be easy to use built on advanced technology and unique features.

GelView Master has a built-in 5M scientific grade digital cameral for capturing high resolution gel images. The camera is pre-focused offer trouble free operation of the camera

Optional Blue Light Technology

Blue LED light source is available as a replacement of the traditional UV source for a safe operation.

Features and Characteristics:

  • Easy to use with quick imaging capture
  • Intuitive imager software with USB connection to PC
  • Multi-image file saving selection: BMP, TIFF, JPEG and PNG
  • Built-in, 21 x 26 cm pullout UV transilluminator for ease of use and gel cutting
  • Blue light technology for operation and environment safe lab experiment
  • Pre-focused camera lens, no adjustment needed
  • Optional blue LED or white light table available, easy installation
  • Ready to use right out of the box
  • Imager analysis software included

Specification Dynamica GelView Master Standard :

Camera / Lens 5.0 MP scientific grade camera
Max. Aperture f/1.2
Built-in UV transilluminator Yes, 312 nm (optional white or blue light available)
Image Storage PC only
Safety Device Safety door switch
Features USB connects to a PC
Image Capture software included
Connect to PC; PC required



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