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Dynamica MTP-601F Microplate Instrumentation Corona

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Dynamica MTP-601F Microplate Instrumentation Corona

MTP-601F adalah fluorometer otomatis berbasis PMT yang andal dan sensitif. Ini ideal untuk berbagai ELISA dan pengukuran berbasis fluoresensi termasuk sitokin, faktor pertumbuhan, Ca2+ sitosol, protease, dan DNase.

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Dynamica MTP-601F Microplate Instrumentation Corona – Catalog

Dynamica MTP-601F Microplate Instrumentation Corona

The MTP-601F is a reliable and high sensitive PMT based automatic fluorometer. It’s ideal for a wide range of fluorescence-based ELISA and measurements including cytokines, growth factors, cytosolic Ca2+, proteases and DNase.

Self-Diagnosis Function

Reminder for Lamp Replacement: The usage and life-span of the halogen lamp is automatically monitored. The user will be prompted to replace the lamp when the usage exceeds the standard life-span of the lamp.
Low Maintenance Cost: The price of halogen lamp is less than 10% of a Xenon lamp without compromising the sensitivity.

Auto-Alignment Function

Enable the use of microplates from different manufacturers without compromising the result accuracy.A versatile instrument that is capable of making minor adjustment according the microplate parameters provided by the manufacturer for precise measurement. The instrument is preset to use with the Greiner’s F-bottom microplate.Additional 5 microplate formats can be added upon user preference.

High Sensitivity

MTP-601F is equipped with a high sensitive photomultiplier tube (R928), which enables the detection of fluorescein as low as 2 × 10 -11 mol/l.


  • · 2 shaking modes- orbital or linear
  • · 3 different shaking speeds
  • · 3 different durations- 5, 10 or 20 seconds

User- Friendly On-Board Control Panel

The keypads on the main unit enables the scrolling and direct display of operating conditions on the LED.
MODE : Endpoint/Kinetic
SENS : Sensitivity range
MIX : Shaking duration

Specifications Dynamica MTP-601F Microplate Instrumentation Corona :

Plate Formats 96-well plate (flat bottom, black)
Measurement Direction Vertical and Horizontal
Detection Mode Fluorescence
Measurement Principle End point / Kinetic Measurement
Sensitivity 2×10-11 mol / I Fluorecein
Interference Filter Excitation : 490 nm
Emission : 530 nm
Wavelength range Excitation : 340 – 710 nm
Emission : 400 – 750 nm
Shaking Mode Rotational / Linear, 3 step speeds, Time : 5s, 10s, and 50s
Detection Interval and Number of Measurement Maximum 999 seconds; 99 times
Detection Time Min 60 seconds/96-well plate
Light Source Halogen lamp
Detector Photomultiplier Tube- R928



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