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DNA Technology RT PCR DTLite

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DNA Technology RT PCR DTLite

Instrumen PCR real-time DTlite digunakan untuk analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif target DNA dan RNA. Ini adalah pilihan optimal untuk laboratorium diagnostik dengan alur kerja throughput kecil atau menengah.

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DNA Technology RT PCR DTLite – Catalog

DNA Technology RT PCR DTLite

DTlite real-time PCR instrument is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of DNA and RNA targets. It is an optimum choice for diagnostic laboratories with small or medium throughput workflow. The device can be used for qualitative and quantitative analysis in the fields of

  • Human genetics;
  • Gene Expression profiling;
  • Pathogen detection, quantification and genotyping;
  • Complex bacterial communities testing.

Optimal choice
for medium and small diagnostic laboratories.

Original DTmaster
software lowers the probability of mistakes and
is used for sophisticated assays requiring multiple
settings application.

Several devices can be operated from one PC
allowing high performance and multitasking.

Customer service and technical support
Manufacturer guarantees quick diagnostics
and replacement of the failed parts.

Wide range of performing tests
HPV Genotyping
HLA Genotyping
BRCA Genetics
Cardio and Thrombophilia Genetics Androflor® and Femoflor® microbiome composition tests.

Best ratio of size and productivity.

4 or 5 channel optical system
with narrow spectral range custom-made filters accounts for reliable multiplex detection.

Adapted for integration with laboratory information system LIS.
Variant design of thermal unit allows easy adaptation to medium- and low throughput laboratory workflows.

Technical highlights

  • Cost-effective CCD detection provides high quantum efficiency;
  • Silver-layered optical path accounts for unbiased transduction of signal;
  • Separate LED for each optical channel provides high sensitivity, optimal signal-to-noise ratio and low crosstalk;
  • Wide dynamic range of detection achieved by employing original multiple exposure approach;
  • All resistors and thermoelectric elements are produced at leading enterprises, supplying space and defense industry;
  • Embedded microcontrollers allow autonomic program completion and resuming the program even in a case of a power failure or an unexpected computer shutdown.

Specifications DNA Technology RT PCR DTLite :

Thermal unit plate format • Monoblock (M1 version) – 96 0.2 ml tubes (12×8 arrangement)
• 3-section thermal unit (M3 version) – 96 0.2 ml tubes (12×8 arrangement)
• 6-section thermal unit (M6 version) – 96 0.2 ml tubes (12×8 arrangement)
• Monoblock (X1 version) – 384-well 0.045 ml plate (24×16 arrangement)
Consumables type For S versions: 0.2 ml PCR tubes (separate or in strips, 8 pieces each)
For L1 versions: PCR 192-well 0.045 ml plate
Thermal unit temperature range (°C) from 0 to 100
Temperature step (°C) 0.1
Temperature accuracy (°C) +/– 0.2
Maximum heating rate of thermal unit (°C/sec) • For S versions: 6
• For L versions: 4
Maximum cooling rate of thermal unit (°С/sec) For M versions: 2.5
• For X versions: 1.5
Heating and cooling method 2 Peltier thermoelectric elements
Excitation source LED
Detector CCD
Number of fluorescence measuring channels • 4 (versions 4S1, 4S2 and 4L1)
• 5 (versions 5S1, 5S2 and 5L1)
Spectral range (nm)
Excitation and detection for each channel
• Fam – 470/40 – 515/30 (compatible with SybrGreen)
• Hex – 530/20 – 560/20 (compatible with VIC, R6G)
• Rox – 580/30 – 620/30 (compatible with TAMRA)
• Cy5 – 630/20 – 660/20
• Cy5.5 – 687/20 – 731/30
Hot lid temperature (°C) 105
Line voltage (V) 220
Power consumption (W) Max 500
Frequency (Hz) 50
Size (WxDxH) (mm) 210x480x310
Mass (kg) 17



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