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Digi-Pas DWL-680Pro Waterproof Heavy Duty Digital Level

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Digi-Pas DWL-680Pro Waterproof Heavy Duty Digital Level

Digi-Pas DWL-680Pro Waterproof Heavy Duty Digital Level

  • IP65 – Fitur kedap air dan debu memungkinkan untuk bekerja di berbagai medan yang keras seperti lepas pantai, gurun yang panas, dan cuaca yang sangat dingin.
  • Layar OLED yang terang memungkinkan pengguna untuk bekerja dalam kondisi kerja yang kurang cahaya seperti terowongan, jembatan, dan pembangunan kapal.
  • Tutup ujung karet pelindung untuk menahan guncangan/benturan.
  • Menampilkan setiap sudut yang diukur dengan cepat dan presisi.
  • Pekerjaan akhir di lokasi dapat diperiksa dan diukur dengan percaya diri.
  • Suara yang dapat didengar untuk menunjukkan penghentian perataan hingga sudut 0° & 90°.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Digi-Pas Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Digi-Pas DWL-680Pro Waterproof Heavy Duty Digital Level

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  • IP65 – Waterproof and dust proof features allows to work in many harsh terrains such as off-shore, hot desert and freezing cold weathers.
  • Bright OLED display enables user to work in less illuminated working condition such as tunnel, bridges and ship building.
  • Protective rubber end caps to withstand shock/impact.
  • Speedily display any measured angle with precision.
  • Final site works can be inspected and measured with confident.
  • Audible sound to indicate levelling to 0° & 90° angles halt.
  • Extended battery life using 4 x AAA batteries.
  • Wide Operating Temperature Range -20°C to +60°C (-4°F to +140°F)

Features Digi-Pas DWL-680Pro Waterproof Heavy Duty Digital Level :

    Water & Dust proof features allow the tool to work in harsh terrains including off-shore, freezing cold weathers and wet tropical environments.

    Wide operating temperature range -20°C ~ +60°C (-4°F ~ +140°F) allow digital level to work on extreme hot desert to freezing cold weathers.

    Utilising advanced OLED display technology. Very bright digital display enables user to work in less illuminated working condition such as tunnel, bridges and ship building.

    Designed for quick & easy battery replacement with built-in IP65 waterproof seal.

    Measuring range 0° ~ ±90° 4 x 90°(360°)

    Measuring resolution of 0.05° with accuracy ± 0.05° at 0° & 90°; ± 0.2° at 1°~89°

    Set reference angle at any desire measurement angle.

    Allow user to read upright digital readings even when the level position is up-side down.

    Instantly convert measurement unit from °(Degree) to %slope.

    Easy self-calibration feature allows user to reset the digital level back to factory preset accuracy.


Precision levelling and angle measurement/alignment tasks essentially involve surface planes that demand for 2-dimensional solution rather than the outdated single-axis ‘bubble’ vial method that indicates ‘bubble’ leveling status ‘one axis at a time’.

Digi-Pas® 2-axis precision digital level simultaneous displays of two-dimensional plane angles, effectively simplifying and resolve the hurdles of taking angles ‘one axis at a time’ iteration (tedious & time consuming task of trial-and-error) experienced when using those outdated single-axis ‘bubble’ or traditional digital levels to conduct surface plane levelling, tilt angle measurement, surface flatness profiling and precision 2D alignment tasks.

  • The IP65 waterproof feature of Digi-Pas® DWL-680Pro is useful in drainage piping installation and repair works. Maintaining proper pipe elevation such as vertical position, horizontal slope and alignment between pipe ends maximize water drainage and prevent clogged drainage.

  • Digi-Pas® DWL-680Pro heavy duty waterproof class IP65 is used to setup drilling equipment in offshore oil & gas industry.

  • Digi-Pas® DWL-680Pro heavy duty model is used for alignment of drill tools.

  • Digi-Pas® DWL-680Pro is used for marine repair and shipbuilding vessels in shipyard.

  • Digi-Pas® DWL-680Pro heavy duty model is working in extreme hot desert in the Middle-East for construction of skyscrapers.

  • Digi-Pas® DWL-680Pro heavy duty model is working in extreme cold winter for building bridges and tunnels.

  • Digi-Pas® DWL-680Pro is working in tropical wet climate to construct high-rise buildings.

Specifications Digi-Pas DWL-680Pro Waterproof Heavy Duty Digital Level :

Measuring range 0° ~ 90°; 4 x 90° (360°)
Resolution 0.05° (1.00mm/M)
Accuracy ± 0.05° at around 0° & 90° ; ± 0.2° at 1°~89°
Digital display of angle in °(Degree), %(slope) mm/M, In/Ft
Wide operating temperature range -20°C to +60°C (-4°F to +140°F)
IP65 certified – Water & dust proof
Organic LED – OLED display technology
5 Minutes auto off



Digi-Pas DWL-680Pro Datasheet

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