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Dekko FR-7802 Infrared Thermometer

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Dekko FR-7802 Infrared Thermometer

Dekko FR-7802 Infrared Thermometer

Dekko FR-7802 Infrared Thermometer which is used to measure temperatures needed by industry and electricity in one measuring instrument. The Dekko FR-7802 measures temperature with infrared and contact mode which is fast, efficient and easy to use.


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Dekko FR-7802 Infrared Thermometer

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Features Dekko FR-7802 Infrared Thermometer :

  • Optical Resolution: D:S=13:1
  • There is an emission that is set at 0.95
  • Laser cursor attached
  • Has a Backlit LCD screen
  • Has data hold and an automatic “Power Off” button

Spesifikasi Dekko FR-7802 Infrared Thermometer :

IR Temperature Range -50°C ~ 550°C
-58°C ~ 1022°F
Optical Resolution (D:S) 13:1
Response Time <500ms
Radiance Fixed at 0.95
Wavelength 8 ~ 14 µm
Wave Distance 630 ~ 670nm
Basic Accuracy ±2% or ± 2ºC(4ºF)
Class II
Dimensions (H x W x D) 155mm x 99m x 44mm
Weight 172g
Battery 9V
Repetition ±1% of readings
IR Temperature Resolution 0.1°C/°F
Temperature Condition Operation : 0 ~ 50°C / 32 ~ 122°F
Storage : -20 ~ 60°C / -4 ~ 140°F
Humidity Conditions Operation : <95%RH(Non-condensation)
Storage : <80%RH
Laser Diodes Output <1mW



Dekko FR-7802 Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Dekko Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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