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Constant TDS19 Pen Tester

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Constant TDS19 Pen Tester

Constant TDS19 Pen Tester

Constant TDS19 Pen Tester is a measuring tool to determine the total dissolved solids in water (total dissolved solids in water).

  • Fast response, reliable and accurate measurements
  • Large LCD display
  • IP57
  • One-point manual calibration with trimpot adjustment
  • Replaceable electrode module

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Constant Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Constant TDS19 Pen Tester

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Constant TDS19 Pen Tester is a measuring tool to determine the total dissolved solids in water (total solids dissolved in water).


Agriculture, anti-freeze recycling, aquarium, boiler, chemical industry, cooling tower, drinking water, fish farming, food industry, garden husbandry, hydroponic, laboratory usage, plating industry, swimming pool & spa, water treatment.

Features Constant TDS19 Pen Tester

  • Fast response , reliable, and accurate measurements
  • Large LCD display
  • IP57
  • One point manual calibration with trimpot adjustment
  • Replaceable electrode module

Specification Constant TDS19 Pen Tester

Range 0 ~ 1990ppm
Accuracy ±1%FS
Resolution 10ppm
Power 2 x 3V CR2032 lithium battery
Size 33.5 x 170mm
Weight ±85g (including batteries)
Accessories standard solution 940ppm, batteries, instruction manual,warranty card, certificate of product conformance


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Constant. Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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